KHftCEA 2000-11.2 November |
KHftCEA 2000-11.2 November
CD jewel box insert measurements: the front is 4.75 inches square (342 pixels @ 72 dpi) The back picture is the same height, 5.375 inches (387 pix) wide, with .25 inches (18 pix) on each side-- 5.875 inches (423 pix) in all. 00-11-29 --- Squeaked by to two entries this month... and without copying the WLT excerpts I wanted even. 00-11-29 --- At a scary company meeting- who's getting the axe- seems like *someone* is though there are some of the more raw programmers here at this meeting. 00-11-30 --- Oh, the SF office and the non-professional services people mostly, Hmmm. 00-11-30 --- Once upon a time scientists thought there was "polywater" with different chemical properties than the normal stuff. Bell Labs' Dennis Rousseau wrung his sweaty gym shirt into a glass tube and discovered that his salty, protein-laced sweat had the same properties as polywater. (from Salon) 00-11-30 --- "The fireman said, 'If you hear a sound like --Ian the 6-year-old --- "I had a lover's quarrel with the world." --Robert Frost's gravestone --- |