I was thinking about adding a piece of the sidebar to say what I'm currently reading, but I couldn't decide if I was legitimately hoping to strike up conversations about the material or just kind of showing off. (Or, the worry that it's one step away from one of those LJ-ish "current mood" indicators.)
Any thoughts?
Quote of the Moment
We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be.I'm surprised that I hadn't quoted that before, at least Google doesn't think I have. It reminds me of Dali's "to be geniuses we must play at being geniuses"... come to think of it, that quote barely shows up on google, or anywhere online. Odd, I wonder where I got it...
Science of the Moment
Ooh... some new brain science seems to lend some small amount of support to my half-joking hope that my terrible memory helps leave more brainspace for my tangential thought rebounds.