the concept and tradition of "passive aggression"

On Mother's Day, the extended family conversation got around to the concept and tradition of "passive aggression". The canonical example for my family was my grandmother's "You've got me so worried and frustrated I'm back to smoking again!" My mom reminded me of engaging in that by exercising my disinterest in going to grad school right after college in the form of doing nothing and letting the deadline for applications slip by. I had forgotten all about that.

Sometimes I think it would be nice to have under my belt, other times I'm hard pressed to think of a justification of the expense in terms of money and time and focus.
More rambling and griping about Angular on my devblog. I guess it's a good thing that I've been posting so much there... usually that's a sign that I'm learning more at work.
I got 99 problems and they're all red balloons.