so much to see

Introducing Vector Networks - I'm looking forward to software with this. I love the idea of vectors for shapes but the indirectness of the interaction always left me stumbling -- beziers are really tough for humans to deal with.
My Little Sister Taught Me How To 'Snapchat Like The Teens' - This one has been making the rounds. I would love to see a video of someone doing 40 snapchat responses in less than a minute. I'm not sure I've ever felt on the old/young divide as much as with this; to not just accept the "too many incoming messages" paradigm but to embrace it, surf it, make more of it; to have each interaction be SO ephemeral (which was part of the value proposition of Snapchat, it tattletaled if the other person grabbed a screenshot.)

I wonder how and if kids who are into this mode of communication (which almost strains credulity, as described in there) make a distinction between "this photo interaction was as ephemeral as a glance across the table" and "this artifact is worth holding on to".
Amazing emergent patterns from overlaying semi-random and then regular patterns of dots:

How Star Wars The Force Awakens Should Have Ended SPOILER ALERTS but MAN is it funny...
wife: go see if the baby sleeping
*walks into baby's room*
baby: corporations exploit our
insecurities for profit
me: no babe she woke af
I've been thinking about this tweet a lot. Besides the baby's point, I do think internet patois is cool af.