watches to watch

Yesterday on the Lost in Mobile WhatsApp group we got to thinking about alternate time visualizations - the conversation started with me linking to Slow-Watches. I really like how their watches have a single hand that takes 24 hours to make a complete revolution - and how they put midnight at the bottom, where to my intuitive mind it "belongs" - letting the tip of the hand follow the sun, roughly.

BobD pointed out Tokyoflash that also have some watches with super fun alternative ways of displaying the time.

It got me to revive an old artsy 60 second timer I wrote when I was first learning Processing - I really like it! Plus it's practical for games that need such a timekeeper - unlike Pictionary's ordinary sand timer, you don't have to wait for it to finish before resetting it, just click.

Making virtual timepieces is pretty cool. I wish I liked wearing watches more... and also wish that Apple Watch would let people design their own watch faces, I would so love to have a physical version of TIMISH, a purposefully inexact expression of the current time in words. I really think we get so hung up on thinking of time as a series of numbers... it's so harsh and mechanical...