featuring cameos from Sophie, Lilia, Cora, Char, Kayla, Dean, swans, leaky bathroom light fixtures, Matt, Jon, Ringo, Eze Sanchez, Zeus, Liz, Cindy @ Fast Phil's, Ducks, Erika, Geese, Duane, Cathleen, Michael, turkeys, Erica, Melissa, Gary, Coworkers, The New Magnolia Jazz Band, Candace, Johnny, a bee, Chasity, a rolypoly, The George Washington Bridge, Seagulls, a Worm, Dom and pretty much everyone in The Jamaica Plain Honk Band, a dandelion, construction equipment, crawdads, The Party Band, Austin Tx, Jonathan, Second Line Social Aid and Pleasure Society Brass Band, goldfish, snowball the bunny (RIP), Alison, lots of ants, upstairs neighbors, Rayyan, Thomas, School of HONK, a Bunbun, Matthew, Montreal, Anna, Kellie, ravens, Wyatt, squirrel!, Eleventh Hour for Climate Justice, a beetle, Muttsville Comix , Rebekah, Dylan, Lake George, Summer Honk, Zach, Katie Mae, Dave Kristin, Tom the actor, Jay, baby chicks, an egret (?), St Anthony's Feast, Aunt Susan, Melissa's Uncle Kenny, Elio and Jackie, Caleb, Betty, Maren, Buster B, Jennifer, HONKfest and the Sousaphone Leg-off, Pronk, Nelson, a hawk closeup, Laura's halloween party, Owen, Space Dolphin, Kaya, the MFA, Melissa's Dad, Gary, Sue, Extinction Rebllion, Thomas, Tuba Christmas, the new T station at Ball Square, Harvards Clerical Worker's Union , James, Mom Betty, STOMP!, and finally the 3 stooges... and many more...