- So MAME is a program that lets you run all those old arcade games (though the ROMs are a bit harder to come by once mame.dk got shutdown) and MAMED is a version that runs on Dreamcast. Nice to run these things on a TV, and I know a guy who stuck a DC in a fullsize arcade cabinet. The emulation isn't quite as on a PC good though.
Vintage Labels has all these cool Hotel and Travel stickers, like they used to put on luggage. I have a small suitcase that has a ton of cool stickers on it, I keep trying to think of a way of displaying it.
- While the grossness and PG13ness of this Penny Arcade cartoon led me to put off posting it, it's really funny.
- Melodyhound is a cool tune search engine, based on the fact that most melodies can be identified by the pattern of "note is higher/lower/the same as previous" for the first few notes.
- The revisions of the NPR All Things Considered theme music. Now because I hate you all, I'll tell you this: you can sing the words "I like ice cream, it's sooooo tast-eee, I like ice cream, tastes so GOOD!" to this tune. And this fact might not ever leave your head.
- Salon on online dating. I fool myself by thinking if I hadn't managed to woo Mo I'd have found somebody by the power of online personals, but I dunno.
Any five-paragraph essay that claims to be able to end any problem that's been around for more than a three years has no more worth than a program that fills the screen with the sentence 'I TOOK MY PARENTS' PRAISE TOO SERIOUSLY.' And God help me, if you ever create a section titled 'Rants' I'm going to come over there and kick your ass.
(Neither Brunching nor the Blog have seen many updates lately, alas.) - LEGO - BUILD has some cool stuff, including Ranjit's Junkbot game. (previously kisrael'd)
- Snot is my Copilot, an old Usenet posting. I have no idea why I thought I should link to this, maybe the title?
- Some people are very interested in historically inaccurate fonts as seen in movies. I got bugged when an actor is too blatantly faking playing a musical instrument, this guy is on the lookout for fonts. (And I guess he can identify many many at a glance.)