Also you might notice a small change at the header of this page. I've decided that having a headshot at the top of one's website, even a very stylized b+w one, is kind of lame. I've always called Alien Bill my signature sketch, and now he's returning to his rightful place. (Also, I plan to roll alienbill.com into this site, so since he's losing his frontpage I thought he deserved this.)
Let me know what you think! My comments pages have been lonely lately.
Found Poem of the Moment
thiswayshehadalreadyhadenoughscotchyetshekeptWhen she submitted this poem, she likely mistook a special "title" field for a "comments" field, which the 'blender munged into a filename like you see here, though I've added linebreaks. The filename broke winzip, but as a poem I think it has a certain breathless beauty.
Toys of the Moment
Dang, why didn't they have these tiny R/C fightin' tanks when I was growing up? Or in time for my latest birthday? (via slashdot)
Recipe Typo of the Moment
"Place first 5 ingredients in a large owl"