So I'm moving...given that for a while my best bet for networking might be a trip down to the local starbucks, I thought I'd prepublish a day or two. Clear out my backlog a bit...technically my frontlog, but that's getting into nitty gritty techie details that nobody but me cares about. And barely even that.
- Hulver's site has some GREAT stuff, a lot of in-depth articles. Not super-frequently updated, but what's there is terrific (I think I posted the English Pubs thing I got from there.)
- Seeing videos of this flying model of the Enterprise (bottom of page) soar over the landscape awakened something from my childhood...
- This is a very mean video: grapes 1, woman 0. Seriously, I mean it; don't watch it unless you need a jolt of schadenfreude. But it is kind of funny.
- This key remapping utility for Windows didn't quite meet my hopes for my laptop (can't do that oddball "FN" key) but I was able to remap some function keys so that home/end/pgup/pgdn had their own keys rather than doubling up on the arrows.
- Indiana to start grading essays by computer. I find the high level of correlation between the human and machine graders a bit alarming.
- Rumsfeld, Hussein. Hussein, Rumsefeld. Photo from 1983, right when word on the Iraq's use of chemical wesapons was coming out.
- The Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race looks like a lot of fun.
300 Images from 1800 sites, fine small pixel work. Also, Pixelpalooza is an annual icon contest, though a lot of it is more cartoonish than iconic. I'm kind of proud of my sidebar icons myself, the most recent one being my little résumé:
- Great Onion Headline: "Bush To Iraqi Militants: 'Please Stop Bringing It On'"
- A Grand Unified Theory of Filesharing seemed right-on to me.
- I didn't end up reading "Houseselling for Dummies" much, but I did takes its advice of taking all the magnets off of my fridge...it had a nice clean look. I took down a crappy magnetic poetry kit Mo had left behind...you know, I really don't have a lot of respect for magnetic poetry. It never comes out well. Sometimes I make pictures out of the pieces, which is cool when you get the words reflecting whats being portrayed.
However, the somewhat similar looking poem photos on this page are great.