
- Gargamel lived alone with his cat
- His cat was named "Azrael", after the angel of death. "Azrael" is quite possibly the most cliche Goth name ever.
- Gargamel's own name is possibly a corruption of 'Gagiel', the angel of fish. Although a poor choice, it is still a very Goth thing to do. And it's better than "Drax, the Everliving".
- Gargamel only wore black.
- Gargamel's most hated enemies were folks who lived happy, carefree lives.
- Gargamel used the word "wretched" like it was going out of style. He also overused the words "miserable" and "drat".
- Gargamel's only female friend was a fat chick who constantly verbally abused him.
- Gargamel's motions chasing after the Smurfs are not that far off from Goths dancing. Watch the reruns - trust me.