So historically (since 1993, actually) I've been keeping up with video game message boards...Usenet's "rec.games.video.classic" back in the day, and more recently the ones at AtariAge.com. One frequent type of question that comes up is "what are the best games for [INSERT SYSTEM HERE]?" I decided to finally assemble my answers to those questions in cut-and-pastable form, staring with Nintendo's four home consoles. Now, on the actual "BestOf Series" page you get descriptions about why I thought each one was so cool, but all that info wouldn't fit here.
Mega Man Series Bionic Commando Blaster Master Metroid SMB2 Zelda 2 Contra Lifeforce Solar Jetman Micro Machines Honorable Mentions: Smash TV / Archon / SMB3 |
Tetris Attack Donkey Kong Country Super Metroid MicroMachines StarFox Super Mario Kart Super Punch-Out Smash TV Rampart Super Mario All-Stars Honorable Mentions: F-Zero / Super Mario World / Pilotwings |
N64 | Gamecube |
Super Smash Brothers Mario Party 1 2 3 Mario Kart 64 Diddy Kong Racing Battle Tanx / Battle Tanx: Global Assault Rogue Squadron StarFox 64 Pokemon Puzzle League Space Station Silicon Valley Blast Corps Honorable Mentions: Super Mario 64 / Zelda: Ocarina of Time / Mario Tennis / Blitz 2000 |
Rogue Squadron: Rogue Leader Super Monkey Ball 1+2 Super Smash Bros Melee Mario Kart Double Dash Mario Power Tennis Pac-Man Vs Luigi's Mansion WarioWare, Inc Time Splitters 2 Metroid Prime Honorable Mentions: StarFox: Armada / Zelda: The Wind Waker / Super Mario Sunshine |
Article of the Moment
Clever Slate piece pointing out that Wikipedia, that online "anyone can contribute" encyclopedia, is essentially a real-life Hitchhiker's Guide: huge, nerdy, and imprecise. (Especially that bit where the Guide is edited by "any passing stranger who happened to wander into the empty offices on an afternoon and saw something worth doing.")
I'm not deeply into Wiki-culture, but sometimes when I want a subjective overview of a topic I'll put in "wikipedia" as a Google search term. (Maybe there's a more effecient way of searching Wikispace? I don't have a grasp of how things are setup in practice, if there's one Wikipedia or may or what.)