summertime, summertime, sum sum summertime

This site's been a little light lately. Kind of a summer lull I guess.

Not to get overly Meta and navel-gazing, but do people think my recent policy of having fairly non-linky commentary at the top of every day's entry is a net plus, neutral, or kind of a minus? I know some people like my "rambles" more than I give the rambles credit for.

I guess I'm digging doing it, and, as self-important as it sounds, that's the important thing.

Link of the Moment
Via Bill the Splut, it's the Internet Circa 1996, right when I was graduating from college. Funny. I had forgotten how big the 101 Dalmations remake was. I also remember a Wired piece from a few years before, where a guy grabbed the domain after repeatedly confirming the company's disinterest in their own webspace.

Advice of the Moment
Avoid surprising bears.

Article of the Moment
How Bush and the rest of us are totally getting outplayed by Iran.

Yay Neocons.