- Zen Detachment
- Taoist Flow
- Humanist Optimism
- Existentialist Courage
- Jewish Intellectualism
- Protestant Work Ethic
So those are the ideals... then it hit me that I'm more dealing with
- Protestant Emotional Distance
- Jewish Guilt and Neuroses
- Existentialist Defeatism
- Humanist Self-Indulgence
- Taoist Complacency
- Zen Apathy
Video of the Moment
MUTO a wall-painted animation by BLU from blu on Vimeo.
--via Mr.Ibis who points out "it all starts as Alien Bill" -- pretty much does! The whole video is pretty amazing. I love how it "lets the strings show" in terms of the erased part from previous frames...Quote of the Moment
Your problem is that your inner child is a bit too outer.Now THAT'S what I call SUCCINCT!
does myspace have all that playing around crap facebook does?