Quote of the Moment
Gratitude is the most important facet of the spiritual life, allowing us to acknowledge and express our awe and reverence. A universe that 'spawns because it is' generates our capacity to spawn because we are, inviting us to wrap our arms and minds and hearts around the astonishing whole to which we owe our lives and of which we are a part, and gasp our stammering gratitude.
Politics of the Moment
--Funny, if a bit cheap-shotish. Still, my real amazement is how imply Palin was always against the "Bridge to Nowhere" (the cool name is probably what makes it such good copy) when in reality it's like "I was on the bandwagon 'til I saw it going off the cliff... but then I hopped right off myself! Yay Republicans!"
I like that the McDonalds near Fenway Park has signs proclaiming their strict NO LIMOS AT ANYTIME policy.
"Comparisons Are Odious"-and comparisons to a "better of all possible worlds" we imagine are ridiculous. Enjoy this life, it's what you got.
My dream mind has a thing for bad puns. It was a world with an odd Flintstones element and I got asked "paying with Visa or Master Chisel?"
w00t, I'm now a "bronze level client" in yourself!fitness and have some new terrible music to move to--
Endeavoring to avoid being That Guy I inadvertently became That Other Guy