star warsanov vs matrixski


--via Bill the Splut-- great little "vs." parody animtions, click on this one to go to its youtube page, there's a ton of 'em.

I was indifferent about the Sound FX style but the way they do the theme music of stuff is just great.
"cherry mart" is a little Japanese grocery on newbury st, good for rice balls and calpico! just heard about and need to try "H-Mart"

Boylston street is *thick* with Children International- I had at least 7 approaches in 3 blocks. "Are you friendly?" is the line they seem to like-- "Yes but I hate kids" is the response I didn't quite have the courage to give. - Comic Sans Rants Back
I was wrong about Apple iPad - the iPad as something that aids immersion, focus, concentration- an anti-"The Shallows" the gadget...
iPad's beauty might be that it's NOT multitasking; you open the app, and the glass plate is aking to a new device, helping you sink into it.
Windows was first a way of running multiple DOS apps at once, and it shows. Mac... it's still not crazy about "full screen mode" even.
Cicero wrote "A room without books is like a body without a soul"...
and those don't even include Amber's, plus there's another bookcase to the left

and I could probably use one more...