Open Photo Gallery
Today we went to the Tate Modern and saw "The Mousetrap"...
First rainy day of the whole trip, as witnessed by this guy at the Southwark tube stop.

Lovely view of the Thames, with St. Paul's Cathedral and the Millennium Bridge.

Cobie's turtles on display at the Tate Modern.

The Tate Modern is not a small space. I think his guy is in the space that recently held the installation of Ai Weiwei's Sunflower Seeds.

Finally, after "The Mousetrap" (Sussed it during the first act, btw) we passed through the Chinatown near Soho... mm mmm good!
For English-speakers, that notorious language barrier is about two feet high. It keeps many people out of Europe, but with a few communication tricks and a polite approach, the English-only traveller can step right over it.
--I love the drama of the character name introductions, and the cleverness of the mapping to "realistic" characters. Tomorrow: live action!