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KHftCEA 1997-12.3 December
KHftCEA 1997-12.3 December
           Then I will tell you a great secret, Captain, perhaps the greatest of all time.  The molecules of your body are the same molecules that make up this station, and the nebula outside-- that burn inside the stars themselves.  We are starstuff.  We are the Universe made manifest, tring to figure itself out.
-Delenn, Babylon 5
All the molecules in your body were formed inside stars. We are the future of ancient stars.
-The 1997 Nobel Conference.  
People and stars are made of the same stuff.
-Bill Nye the Science Guy
What *am* I looking for with Mo?
There are no "facts"-- there is only *the fact* that man, every man everywhere in the world, is on his way to ordination. Some men take the long route and some take the short route. Every man is working out his own way and no one can be of any help except by being kind, generous, and patient.
          --Henry Miller, Tropic of Capricorn
I think I know what I'm looking for with Mo.
"I think I love you, Ms. Pac-Man.

 I know your boyfriend.
 What do you see in him?

 He is round & yellow.
 Look at me.  I am sexy and trim!"
 --Johnny Blue-jeans, Viva Varieté
love as a socioeconomic byproduct
love with your eyes closed.
I Hate Winter.
I Hate Winter.
I Hate Winter.
I Hate Winter.

Snow Fucking BLOWS.

Weather forecasters SUCK- I woulda stayed home.
"Love is an action verb."
          -mo, a long time ago
"You make me feel beautiful"- Touch, when done correctly, can bring out the recipient's beauty, make the person aware of his or her own sexiness.
Winter: Nature's Own Holocaust- hundreds of humans die every year from exposure to it, which is why people have to wear special insulated clothing when going outside.

Were people meant to live this far north?
"Gosh LouAnne You Sure Smell Purty..."
Idea for PalmPilot software: remake of old "Adventures of Alfredo" computer cartoons from "Big Blue Disk"
My Trent Reznor sex number is 5.
"You know, sometimes it annoys me that these cartoon characters have more power in this world than I do."
Cross my fingers about the party... Yikes.
Wow, I have such hopes about the future of Kirk+Mo.

Damn I wish graffiti was just a tad more reliable.

yeesh :-)


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