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KHftCEA 2000-08.1 August
KHftCEA 2000-08.1 August

Terrence McKenna and the Heroic Doses.  Sounds like some kind of rock group.
Why is it that the worst 'Jeez this is all reality is?' moments happen at night while going to sleep? Moments of lucidity or just paranoia as the brain starts shutting down?
"So little time, so little to do."
--Oscar Levant
The other night at the Arsenal Mall Kay-Bee I started talking with a hard core videogame geekess who worked there... she had lots to say about the Pocket NeoGeo, and games in general, and how once the name of "Lord Siren" was well known on the original Game Sages boards, though she wasn't part of the official team.  She was kind of like the Simpson's Comic Book Guy of video games.
 Listened to George W's nomination acceptance speech. Even if this silver spoon golden rolodex lightweight wins at least the Repubicans have drifted centerwards.
If discretion is the better part of valor, and running away the better part of discretion, then I plan on being one of the most valiant men I know.
(where's that from?)
Family reunion. Nana died kinda young. You know, I really can deal with mortality so  long as I think there isn't a better alternative that I'm missing by bad decisions. Do the cyros have a chance in hell? Of course if I believed that I wouldn't make good use of extra centuries maybe it doesn't matter. You have to be so optimistic about humanity and the longterm viability of the planet to plan for hyperlongevity.

Some of this thinking came from the life extensions in Larry Niven's "Neutron Star" collection. It was interesting seeing all the ideas that I remembered seeing duplicated in the PC game Star Control- especially the mysterious answers-for-cash aliens that charge an unimaginable price for answers about themselves.
note to self: when going on uptempo summer walk, wear boxers other than the hot flannel-y ones. Sheesh!
the claims you've made on love-
i think it must be sin.
(as if the deepest
part of me
was found six inches in!)
"I rooted for him during the impeachment process, of course, because fanaticism and puritanism in any form are my enemies"
--Oliver Stone on Bill Clinton, April 1999
Hey lookit me, I'm in Cleveland!
But catastrophes only encouraged experiment.
As a rule, it was the fittest who perished, the mis-fits,
forced by failure to emigrate to unsettled niches, who
altered their structure and prospered.
--Auden, "Unpredicable but Providential (for Loren Eiseley)"
Driving back to Athens from Coshocton last night: a bright moonlit twilight, the sky the deepest blue, the black outline of grain machinery.

Driving back to Cleveland today: a truck up ahead, a big group of copcar lights  flashing. A lone cop standing watching 100 yards off.  Cops with their guns drawn, a black couple leaving their car with their hands up.

At the Cleveland airport: waiting for Al Gore and Air Force 2 to get the hell out of here so the other planes can land and our flight can go.
I told Mrs. McL that I felt I'm pretty much a craftsman, and while that has a certain dignity, it doesn't touch people the way, say, being a teacher would. She agreed, but pointed out I'm probably not a great teacher since I'm impatient when people don't 'get it' as quickly as I think I would.  
Riding with Uncle Bill to New Jersey for Great Aunt Ruth's funeral. He tells me about his moral crisis when he was charged with guiding nuclear weapons into Prague (he found out the city name by doing research on his own.) Theoretically he had the option of dumping the missiles into the sea, though given the destruction redundancy, maybe it didn't matter that much. He says he's grateful not to have been forced to make the decision. Also, had the Russians invaded he would have been expected to wage guerilla war after launching the missles and destroying his electronics and crypto.
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