KHftCEA 2000-10.2 October |
KHftCEA 2000-10.2 October
"'Tis better to have loved and lost, then to never...oh, give me a drink" --Major Charles Emerson Winchester III,M*A*S*H --- Haven't written here much lately. Presidential campaigns are underway. Except for possible prolife / prochoice issues I don't see life being much different under either of the leading canidates. Things are shaking up in the middle east. Those idiots make me so irritated. Chill the fuck out Motherfuckers! I know, lets remove all the guns and rocks from the area. Worried about spreading hsv to Mo... kind of a scare the other night. 00-10-19 --- I just met with the Birdabon Society. I had to promise we wouldn't hurt any birds. Our caterer served chicken sandwiches for lunch. I pretended to give mine CPR but I was really eating it. --Pointy Haired Boss, "Dilbert" --- Mystery of the Month: How did this sparechange get into the lining of my jacket and how do I get it out? 00-10-26 --- |