Still, great things are awaiting me as the UI point person for Cafe X, the R+D striketeam of ThruPoint. Enterprise-minded high powered in-browser communication. I start Monday! It will be awesome working at the Cambridge Innovation Center at Kendall Square, I'm hoping even more of the MIT-ness will rub off on me.
iTunes store's search is unforgiving of typos and shows results without the track time. WHY AM I THE ONLY ONE WHO CARES ABOUT GOOD UI.
http://thembtaruinedmylife.com -- I honestly do prefer the redline to driving, but this is one of the better collection of GIF memes out there.
http://www.nytimes.com/2013/02/10/magazine/why-can-some-kids-handle-pressure-while-others-fall-apart.html Kids and stress-- interesting to hear about "Warriors vs Worriers"
a postmortem of my GGJ team's HTML5 / Processing.js game Heartchers
Occasionally I wonder what a football game would be like if played by Zombies. Would be slower, but oh so much more violent.