There's this vision of purgatory that I've had for a long time...
I imagine it being set up so that all you had to do to go on to
some kind of heavenly reward is a certain task, but you'd have to do
it perfectly. These tasks are generally trivial but impossibly
difficult. Like, reconstruct a conversation you had years and years ago one fine Tuesday morning. I'd have to
start putting random words together and hoping. I wonder if eternity would
be enough to do that? Kind of like one of those mathematical functions, areas under a curve... Just because it stretches to infinity, its area can be finite
if it decreases quickly enough.
Quote of the Moment:
Tom will be working something like 4 jobs in the next few months. My advice
to you - don't follow your dreams. It takes up too much time and leaves you
Joke of the Moment:
Surveys indicate that people in their 40s and 50s tend to
indentify strongly with president-elect Bush -- but people
with higher IQs hate him.
--paraphrased from 'Transfer of Power'