
Sitting on top is the ghetto stereo I also grabbed. I think the main piece is busted, but extra speakers can sometimes be fun for making excessively-speakered frankenstereos with. (One of the best stereos I ever heard just had a ton of speakers around a room, all scavanged.)
Any one got some great scavanging stories?
backlog flush #41
- Maybe the coolest link today: It's the Institute...of the Future! Lots of neat gadgets and software.
- I logged a link to the results of the 2002 Minigame Compo last June. I submitted a stripped down early version of JoustPong as a 1K entry in the 2003 Minigame Compo...it did middling-poor, but it had the first style of physics I used which went way too fast.
- I had and loved Ed Emberley's Drawing Book of Animals. It's dedicated to himself as a kid, I should look up the wording. That site has draw "Cowboy Calhoun"...I like how the books show you what you're adding to the picture at the bottom.
- Start of a ramble:
I've been thinking a lot about "multiple intelligences" and lately it's been occurring to me that I might not be as smart as I assume I am. Or that specifically, in some ways, I'm pretty dumb.
I find it interesting
...yes, I'm sure I did, but not enough to finish the mini-essay. - rRootage and Noiz2sa and other abstract games.
- A mirror made of wood
- Your Guide to Looking Busy at Work.
- The most amazing Video Game music remix website ever. As far as I know.
- "Hello, I'm Troy McClure. You may remember me from such movies as..." -- the complete list, from "Cry Yuma" to "Man Verses Nature: The Road To Victory".