2011 July❮❮prevnext❯❯
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day 22 team schrödinger in coordinated uniforms

day 23 mind-controlled hungrier hippo having victoriously consumed rest of team

day 24 wind-x, alien bill, luggo, and hungrier hippo as 'abbey road'

day 25 evil twins gullo, alien bob, hipster hippo

day 26 de-aged luggo, hungrier hippo, and alien bill

day 27 hungerier hippo, luggo, and alien bill surrounded by the one hundred jakes

day 28 battle royale wind-x, hungrier hippo, alien bill, luggo, and the red crumb vs

day 29 detail from the battle royale, the red crumb vs the dicemen

day 30 comic book cover jake 2 the origin! (shout out to young astronauts in love)
Life is a 3-D movie without the glasses.

They have a few more in the series, about the lovable giant dog and his clumsy, Waiting-for-Godot-like attempts to tell the world about its upcoming extinction... (I think I like this better than the the owner is actually Hitler in hiding interpretation of Marmaduke...)
Extenuating circumstance to be mentioned on Judgment Day: We never asked to be born in the first place.
I need to find out where to talk about Earth Defense Force 2017: Insect Armageddon. This is a good game.
--via 22words and Bill the Splut
Intelligent Design. A loving God. Allergies. You can pick two.
"Why don't you go talk to her?"
"Talk to her? Would you talk to a rainbow? Or a sunset?"
"If I wanted to get it on with refracted light, I would."
What is it with everyone and their questions this morning? 'Where'd you learn how to drive?' 'Will you marry me?' 'Why would you say that to my baby?'

heartworks - source - built with processing
why, he was so sentimental, he could miss the broad side of a barn!
--James Brown selling Miso Noodles... Man, I wish I was famous enough to make commercials for Japan.
1776: The USA is born. It was over 200 years before it announced the birth of USB.
In science one tries to tell people, in such a way as to be understood by everyone, something that no one ever knew before. But in poetry, it's the exact opposite.
via BoingBoing
I have only been cursed by Americans. They are sharp-witted and very articulated and yet very free with their anger.
Netflix streaming puts The Tudors out of order and then loses rights to Californication. Screw you Showtime, we're not buying frickin' cable.
Ocean Sky from Alex Cherney on Vimeo. Man it's good to get a reminder we're just clinging to a little ball zooming through space.
First games can't be art, now thinking computers wouldn't actually think- Roger Ebert hates geeks- http://bit.ly/qv7XgB
"Ready for great big Kirk news? I'm going to swap my pockets, and always have my wallet and iPhone in my RIGHT, and my camera and keys in my left."
"Oh man that's going to destroy the whole system!"
"Or SAVE IT! I mean it should be much less confusing when I go to swipe at the Charlie Card reader."
"Wow, maybe you should have done this ages ago."
"Baby, genius works on its own schedule."
"And so do you."
Gah -- last shuttle launch?? Damn it where's our space planes.
Maybe all one can do is hope to end up with the right regrets.
RUN DMC's "Peter Piper" coming up on shuffle let me know it's an 80s hiphop kinda day. Yay for Genius Playlists! #dontjuststandtherebustamove

--via thepoke.co.uk, "time well wasted"
The first nonstop flight between New York and Paris was 42 years before man landed on the moon which was 42 years ago this year.
Open Photo Gallery
This was probably my cleanest shot:This was my favorite, though, despite the blur... it looks like he's winning!
This was probably the favorite of Brendan's mom, because of the stop sign :
Incidentally, they are taking a really difficult corner... given all the crashes in the Tour de France, I think everyone was taking it a little easy there.
Lord Byron arrives in Heaven, and finds his old friend Shelley waiting at the gate.Weirdly a much inferior version with Shakespeare, Burns, and spelling and grammar mistakes seems to be much more popular online.
"Percy, I can't believe it. You died two years ago. Why aren't you inside?"
"St. Peter says he's already got too many poets," says Shelley. "So I've been waiting here for you. Maybe together, we can convince him to let us in."
When St. Peter appears, he greets Byron by name. "You two have both been naughty," he says, "and I've already told your friend here that we're pretty full. We've only got room for one of you, so I'm asking you each to write a verse for me about one of my favorite places...Timbuktu. I'll be back in an hour to see what you've come up with."
When St. Peter returns, Shelley proudly recites his poem:With feet upon the burning sand"Very nice," says St. Peter. And then, turning to Byron, he says, "Your turn, sir."
I gazed upon the promised land
And in the far-off distant view
The paradise of Timbuktu.
With a wink to his friend, Byron begins:Tim and I a-hunting went
And spied three maidens in a tent
As they were three, and we were two,
I bucked one, and Timbuktu.
I think outside the filogon (that's a shape I just made up)
If you invite me to a pot luck, I have to warn you: I make a mean potato salad! Seriously, I have to warn you. There's a court order.

--via thepoke
"I KNOW math! I got the numerator, I got the denominator, I can integrate, I can- do whatever's the opposite of integrate..."
http://www.eweek.com/c/a/Mobile-and-Wireless/Microsofts-Android-Royalties-Could-Outpace-Windows-Phone-Sales-597303/ Software patents are repugnant. Meant to protect the little guy from the big guy, now they funnel cash the other way.
--So watching this reminds me of the distance between my mild "pseudo-dyslexia" and the real thing. (Mine is weirdly phonetic and based on "mouth shapes") Still an interesting attempt at helping the problem, though light on quantifying how effective the font actually is.
A triangle which has an angle of 135 degrees is called an obscene triangle.
"Once...a king gave a feast for the loveliest princesses in the realm. Now, a soldier who was standing guard saw the king's daughter go by. She was the most beautiful of all and he fell instantly in love. But what is a simple soldier next to the daughter of a king?Watched the "Director's Cut" of "Cinema Paradiso" last night with Amber--over two nights actually... it's long! Probably a bit too long, in retrospect I prefer the brevity of the version I had in college. This was the transcription I made way back in college... here's an alternate translation along with a bit from the Director's Cut where Toto tells his interpretation of the story to Alfredo... again, maybe it says too much.
At last he succeeded in meeting her, and he told her he could no longer live without her.
The princess was so taken by the depth of his feeling that she said to the soldier, 'If you can wait for 100 days and 100 nights under my balcony, at the end of it I shall be yours.'
With that the soldier went and waited one day...
two days...
then ten...
then twenty.
Each evening the princess looked out, and he never moved! In rain, in wind, in snow, he was always there! Birds shat on his head, bees stung him- but he didn't budge.
At the end of ninety nights he had become all dry, all white. Tears streamed from his eyes. He couldn't hold them back. He didn't even have the strength to sleep. And all that time, the princess watched him.
At long last, it was the 99th night...
and the soldier stood up, took his chair and left."
"What happened at the end?"
"That is the end. And don't ask what it means. I don't know."
I choose my friends for their good looks, my acquaintances for their good characters, and my enemies for their good intellects. A man cannot be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
http://www.widgetpress.com/defense - holy crap. Software patents are out of control. What a way to kill innovation.
I had kinda missed that whole Petronus thing
"Don't think I've ever seen two bald guys hug before."
"Hot, isn't it?"
"Little bit!"
I'm on board; pull up the lifeline.
I wasn't concerned with geopolitical events, international affairs, cultural anomalies, or hygiene. I had set off to find myself, but most of the time I was so stoned I was lucky if I could find my shoes.
But I wasn't alone. I was part of an entire generation in search of meaning. It was a generation so starved for understanding we were able to read significance into Donovan lyrics. We didn't have a clue as to what was going on. In fact we greeted each other with the very question: "What's going on, man? What's happening?"
We didn't say, "Nice to see you," or "How have you been?" like people with a non-crumbling value system. We wanted to know what was happening.
"What's happening, bro?" But nobody knew. It was the question of the decade.
"What it is." That's the best answer you could get. What the hell kind of answer is that?
[Reading Billboard] "'Delicious harmony. Made for you. Asian Salad @ McDondald's' Why does that sound vaguely racist to me?"
"It's just using an ethnic stereotype. It's not like they said "Asian Salad: Delicious, Good at Math."
Fine that Netflix is raising prices, but not allowing "unlimited streaming" to combine with "limited DVDs" to be on one plan is bullshit.
http://blog.wordnik.com/attention-all-muggles-and-squibs - the words of harry potter
Open Photo Gallery
here Amber and I are on a park bench.
And here Amber has decided to start joining me in my favorite photo pose.

EBB2, just hanging out...

Jordan's- please. Update the pre-IMAX music. 90s retroswing has not come back yet. So sick of Zoot Suit Riot. #jordans #cherrypoppindaddies
Odd illusion... if you just watch the faces out of the corners of your eyes, successive faces start to look strange and distortde... more information about illusion here, along with a few other face-related topics.
For some reason I set my iPhone as an extra alarm clock last night but have no memory of why. So now all day I'll be wondering why...
![]() | --Panel (and title quip) from this "Comics Curmudgeon", from the June 19 Beetle Bailey. (The gag was about Angel Food cake.) |
Please know IA before you call yourself UX. It's hugely important to the X...
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is all about. You are generous, kind, thoughtful. People who are not like you admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me for other men. I yearn for you. I have no feelings whatsoever when we're apart. I can be forever happy--will you let me be yours?
Dear John:
I want a man who knows what love is. All about you are generous, kind, thoughtful people, who are not like you. Admit to being useless and inferior. You have ruined me. For other men, I yearn. For you, I have no feelings whatsoever. When we're apart, I can be forever happy. Will you let me be?
To be stupid, selfish, and have good health are three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, all is lost.
Quiet, Tea-Party, grownups are talking.

http://www.frumforum.com/stumbling-toward-disaster - Republicans brought the hand grenade of default to the knife fight of politics. Likely victim: the economy, you, me.
Silver Ball Museum @ Asbury Park boardwalk- such vast amounts of pinball. The late "Revenge from Mars" was astounding, visuals and playwise.
Open Photo Gallery
Ready to go:
Amber was taking photos from the boat...

Once again, nice view...

I liked the coordinated efforts to reel the chute in at the end...

Back to the dock... Amber got the rubber chicken because she didn't feel like heading up herself.

There is only one god and his name is Death. And there is only one thing we say to Death: 'Not today.'

Open Photo Gallery
Seen at Costco... man, I know what Prairie Oysters are, so I'm staying away from this...
Amber on the shore.

Fun with the waterproof camera:

I urge you to please notice when you are happy, and exclaim or murmur or think at some point, 'If this isn't nice, I don't know what is.'

4/6 of my team "The Yooper Doopers" at the Boston waterfront, during the Cashunt photo scavenger hunt part of Alleyoop's Summer Fun Day.
Here's the original, minus the singing.
As NASCAR fans know (and I just learned) "boogity boogity boogity boogity" is well known in the community, as the catchphrase of Darrell Waltrip... so it's not quite the random "blah blah blah" prayer ending the uninitiated might thing.