
I really wish I had documented all the spaces I've lived in better, and maybe worked in as well. (That's advice I'd give anyone!) Like here's the Alleyoop office in 2011, and the inlaw apartment I had in 2008
So, the interesting (to me) bits, from left-to-right, top-to-bottom:
- Poster Melissa spotted on our New Orleans trip, then had framed
- Early 90s Yamaha keyboard
- New IKEA BRIMNES chest of drawers, T-shirt collection visible through top panel
- Authentic "Forepaugh's Circus" poster my dad collected, circa 1894
- "typograϕy is harд bэcause it iз a foreign langпage" artwork by Ksenia Zlotnikova
- Movie poster of "Metropolis"
- Photo of the Montparnasse derailment - an image important to the surrealists and to the website glorioustrainwrecks.com
- Hulk hands (JBL stereo between)
- Tiny playable Centipede Arcade game
- 3 plastic robots - an Invid scout trooper, Iron Giant, and a Fisher Price Dinosaur Transformer. Low-key they remind me of my Mom, my Dad, and myself
- old sheet music
- old computer magazines including early WIREDs
- Big folder full of stickers
- Yearbooks etc
- Lowest level has an IKEA box Dean likes to lurk in
- Alien Bill poster, a commission by by James Harvey
- A beautiful glitchy panoramic shot of my band JP Honk by David F Parmenter
- A "Switch Kick" ball. Unlike the more famous "Switch Pitch" ball this one has nice foam sides
- A plastic skull - kind of a Memento Mori
- A TV found curbside on a walk with Sophie
- An Atari 2600
- My backup tuba "Izzy"
- A vibrant blue baritone horn "baby blue"
- A counter-cross-stitch I commissioned from my cousin Llara Nelson - I think I got the gag from Futurama, it says "10 HOME 20 SWEET 30 GOTO 10"
- On the chest of drawers next to a mason jar of coins (remember when we use to go out, and sometimes got change?) is a jar full of "dead soldiers", the mardi gras throws I wear on my tuba that broke in the line of duty.
- Replacing my old chaotic Wall O' Peeps is a more orderly collection of visually interesting photos of people who have been dear to me -
- My computer setup - I recently gave up triple screen (one vertical) and upgraded to a single 32" monitor - for $330 it has been a fantastic investment, like the perfect size, any bigger and it would be neck strain.
- big art of JP's "Former Jackson Square" rescued from when JP Honk helped shut down the JP Branch of the BPL for renovations.
- barely visible through top of office chair, Game + Watch Super Mario Bros clock, gift from my Aunt Susan. Probably an inspiration for my recent Sisyphus game for the Atari 2600
I know it seems a little self-indulgent, but I think everyone with the resources to should consider making a single space for themselves that makes them happy.