
(show oldest first)

from growl

Oh sweet, One Second Everyday now does GIFs!

Man, 1.2 Mb... I guess GIF has never been a very efficient medium...

from don't get me started


valentine blender

from September 7, 2015

recreational programming and the geekiest of nostalgia and the making of:

from September 3, 2015

Cora Vs The Rooster...

from chomp


That was quite the party at Erica and Todd's!

There was blind wine sampling and some blindfolded taste testing.

Here I am eating something Japanese, and Cherry, and Jelly-ish.

from here's lookin' at you

JZ's pup Brody:

Mostly I was amused by the series of nearly identical photos of him JZ had on his iPhone.

I made a simpler Small Gif Cinema version but it's not that great:

from happy birthday ebling!

Ended up heading up to Rockport to help EvilB before his daughter's first birhday party tomorrow, so not much time for an update... but here are some fireworks I tried to take pictures of last Friday. I think it was Arlington's centennial or something:

That's actually from the end of the street where I live. It's always kind of cool to be able to see fireworks from your house.

from everything is uncertain except for five facts

Animated GIF of the Moment

EB's Baby Swings!

Taken the same afternoon as the woodsy photo.

Virtual Chat of the Moment
ALICE: Are you alive?
Jabberwacky: Perhaps.
A: Why the uncertain tone?
J: Everything is uncertain except for five facts.
A: The whole universe?
J: And we both might just be some ones and zeros in the computer memory.

from nsfw

(1 comment)
Small Gif Cinema of the Moment

Watched "Boys on the Side" with Ksenia the other day. Drew Barrymore flashing her breasts to her abusive (but now, clubbed and tied up) boyfriend, along with a cameo by the Indigo Girls, were about the only redeeming features of this hamfisted chickflick of a tearjerker. (Ksenia hated it even more than I did.) But Barrymore's little neener-neener dance seemed like it would make a good looping Small Gif Cinema... or fans of Ms. Barrymore and her breasts can consult a less diminutive version.

from the print shop robot returns!

Animated Clipart of the Moment
When I was in elementary school, there was a kind of nifty program called "Print Shop" for Apple II and maybe C=64...for a long time in the 1980s you could see its distinctive one-sheet signs and longer banners around at schools and small stores.

It came with a supply of clipart...I remember there were two robots, a kind of corny clunky one, and this one, which I was a bit infatuated with:

It was pretty cool by early-80s standards...I put out a call on AtariAge.com, and a guy was able to dig up the old files for me. It also came with some newer clipart files, including this one with cute little tanks, and then some spaceship imagery, and of course "I must obey the inscrutable exhortations of my soul" which in this case involved turning them into little animated GIFs:


These can both be tiled as follows:

(Of course, these aren't terribly original even by my own standards; if you like these check out these brilliant tiling microcosms of kinetic mayhem or my own Alien Bill Horde and/or the Etch-A-Sketch Wing of Small Gif Cinema.)

from yay patriots!

Lego Creation of the Moment
--"Untitled" by Johnson Fan. I brought a Lego Advent Calendar (that I had received too late to use 'properly') into work. I had fun making a big assyemtrical edifice, but Johnson did me one better by using pretty much all the remaining pieces in one giant rolling masterpiece.

from new yorkers do not wear white

Small Gif Cinema of the Moment

--A tiny movie of the view outside my shared office space. Thanks to Ranjit who helped me put the fullsize 2 days-and-nights version into RealMedia format. The chair in the first part and the white and blue lights at night are reflections on the glass.

2019 UPDATE: here is the video:

I often think about the breathing-like appearance of it. I was fortunate to get a day with such nice clouds.

from the jewels of big jule

Small Gif Cinema of the Moment

big jule
This is from Euclid High School's 1991 production of "Guys & Dolls". I was the menacing ganster "Big Jule", who gets slugged by the hero Sky Masterson...but this time the actor playing Sky tripped on my foot and landed square on my nuts. My knees flying up here was pure reflex. Luckily my character did nothing but lie there for a while. "Sky" was barely able to finish the scene without cracking up. Amazingly, it happened during the final dress rehersal, the only time the show was allowed to be taped.

from happy watergate!

Small Gif Cinema of the Moment


--tying into the landmarks idea, the famous Boston sign

from megamo and megakirk

Link of the Moment
When I was in high school, MegaMan was one of my favorite game series. The MegaMan Matrix is a great worship site for this group of games (after a while it became known for a long series of not-too-innovative sequels.) Part of the appeal was that every time your character defeated the 'boss' of one of the boards, he got that boss's weapon. But more than that, I think I liked the character design, these tightly drawn and animated characters of a bio-cyber- future. You can see what I mean on the BubbleMan stage page (from MegaMan 2, arguably the best in the series.) It had a 'sea' theme, and all those creatures fought against you. (Not shown are the tiny tiny (yet explosive) microfrogs "Kero" released from his mouth... I loved those things. Worth hunting down this game ROM and an emulator.
Anyway, I decided to see what Mo and I would look like as Mega Man characters. (An idea blatantly borrowed and enhanced from the top line of seanbaby's hostess page.) I'm pleased with the result.