2001 May❮❮prevnext❯❯

Quote of the Moment
It's not a lie. It's a gift for fiction2/3 of a great movie. Very realistic dialog, but with people who are funnier than you and your friends. Parts seemed a bit contrived though.
THE HANGMAN EQUALS DEATH!The link is an interesting story of one person infiltrating the organization. And based on my personal activities last night, I'd add another:
But, you know. In a good way. Ooh, my head.
Quote of the Moment
"As people do better, they start voting like Republicans... ...unless they have too much education and vote Democratic, which proves there can be too much of a good thing."Sigh. The Republicans, party of the rich idiots. Funny to see them come so close to out right saying that.
Link of the Moment

He claims to be a god-king, a leader of the Buddha religion, which historically has been considered a cult because of its anti-Biblical teachings concerning the one true Holy God, Creator of Heaven and earth and His Son, Jesus Christ.
Links of the Moment

In an odd bit synchronicity, I also just stubled upon this year old news about scientists at the University of Chicago sticking parts of an eel brain in a robotic body. It's still really primitive, but the thing could react to light and control the body accordingly. (Reminds me of The Locust Car, a 3-wheeled cart steered by the electrical muscle impulses of a Locust.
Final Republican Religous Madness of the Moment (for now)
"Do the members of the crew have Bibles? Why don't they have Bibles? Can we get them Bibles? Would they like Bibles?"
Banner Ad of the Moment
From the cries of Sinn Fein to the whines of Jackie Mason, everybody's got an agenda and everyone thinks he or she is right. Trying to change someone's mind usually becomes an exercise in futility, so it is your job to pretend to care. Offer some tepid advice and move on. Cultivate the Switzerland of your soul and remain delightfully detached.I really like that "Cultivate the Switzerland of your soul and remain delightfully detached" line.
News of the Moment
Looks as if there's a new increase in Demand for U.S. Sperm. USA! USA! But seriously, it does say some good things about this country: it's partially a result of our diversity, and relatively loose regulations. (Both good things in my book.)

Link of the Moment
Creepy Clown. Looks like a little quiet web meme-- wouldn't be surprised if it blossoms into another "All your base", though it lacks a really catchy hook. What is it that can be so disturbing about clowns?
A friend of mine says he was at a really wild MIT party this weekend. Strippers both professional and amateur, participatory mudwrestling, the works. It hit me that I haven't been to very many parties like that; maybe none. And that made me a little sad. Both because of the sheer enthusiastic debauchery of it, and also there's something about public nudity that I am in favor of, for reasons both stimulatory and intellectual.
"The nipples of strangers sometimes means more than those of the ones we love."And the other thing is, if I'm going to do it I almost have to do it soon, or else I'm going to seem like a lecherous dirty old man... I know this sounds just a few short steps away from those Girls Gone Wild videos they're hawking on TV. And maybe it is. But I remember Garrison Keillor's final entry in his meditation "Postcards", where he suggests the 50 word limit I try to live by, and then follows with examples of the form:
Sunbathing yesterday. A fine woman took off her shirt, jeans, pants, nearby, and lay on her belly, then turned over. Often she sat up to apply oil. Today my back is burned bright red (as St. Paul warns) from my lying and looking at her for so long but who could ignore such beauty and so generous.It sounds like a line, but that generosity is part of it.
Link of the Moment
The original (well, possibly the 90s rereleased version) Star Wars was on network TV yesterday. It made me think of Star Wars Technical Commentaries. It's an interesting site. The idea is that they take all the technology presented in the Star Wars movies and books at face value, and then try to figure out how the universe works, and more about the socities that would have produced it. It's very cool in a geeky way.
ZZZ online is a neat "latest inventions" website. I liked last week's, which featured a mode of transportation for certifiably insane people, like something out of a G.I.Joe cartoon. The entire archive might be worth clicking through, if you're bored, a gadget-geek, and/or obsessive-compulsive.
Quotes of the Moment
"Of all the thirty-six alternatives, running away is best."it looks like at one point it made the rounds. It reminds me of an old favorite quote:
"He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day...but that's not why I ran away."
Geek Joke of the Moment
I have a quantum car. Every time I look at the speedometer I get lost...I was really amused when I found out Volkswagen Quantum is a real car, so maybe somewhere out there there might be a "Quantum Mechanic".

This is so cool: dizzycity. They took 360 shots at every intersection in Manhattan. If you know the city at all, maybe even if you don't, it's way fun. 360 degrees, look up, down, zoom in. Here's a shot of my mom's old apartment building at 95th and West End Ave:

Quote of the Moment
We ought put the Department of Defense together with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, the Interstate Trucking Commission, and the Fish and Wildlife Service and just call it the Department of Guys.Only the first one applies to me though, I'm not much of a guy. Though someone else on the group pointed out it was missing a department of boobies.
News of the Moment
Salon on the Phantom Energy Crisis. Or, as The Onion headline put it, "After Careful Consideration, Bush Recommends Oil Drilling".
Zen Koan of the Moment

have buddha nature?
I don't know but
it's mighty tasty!"
Link of the Moment
memepool is one of the more well known 'blogs out there. I want to like it more than I actually do; I find its tendency of linking random words to be a little much for a site that's nothing but links.
Posting from Ocean Grove, New Jersey. My mom's new laptop froze... is it AOL 5, WinME, or the hardware? Aargh, I really hate when fresh OS's have such problems.
Quote of the Moment
Oh, t'was ever thus, Boot, ever thus.A cute little cartoon book in my pile of books from when I was a kid that my mom keeps here. (2019 UPDATE I guess it comes from a UK strip The Perishers)
We men of vision dream dreams an'...er...vish visions, while the rest of the world--(what the...?)
You might at least stay awake whilst I'm doing a bit of bemoanin'
Hello to all you mothers out there.(He was a minister in the Salvation Army, and loved to say this while peering over the pulpit at Mother's Day services.)

(via slashdot where they had some interesting conversation on it.)
News of the Moment
Heard this on NPR. Tom Green (not the dada-esque comedian) is being prosecuted for polygamy. In Utah. What I don't like about this debate is how much it's being argued in terms of religion. The government just shouldn't dictate terms like this. It's not bigamy with false pretenses. On the other hand, Tom Green isn't the most sterling poster child for the cause (no pun intended) with his habit of wedding and having children with 13 and 14 year olds. Oy.

News of the Moment
High Court Nixes Medical Pot. Great. Hell, I bet if they let this thing slide, people would be getting AIDS and cancer just to smoke up in peace, by crackey! I really don't believe that our country is better off with the kind of drug enforcement we have now. I don't know where the limit should be-- the libertarian in me says no limits, the utilitarian in me suspects no limits would be harmful to safety and hurt more people-- but I know the limit now, with a lot of non-violent drug offenders in overcrowded prisons, and a chicken-and-egg refusal to permit research into its medical effects ("there's no research proving it works" says the Federal Government, now the only legal resource for marijuana for the research, who also seem loathe to permit it's use for doing that same damn research), is not right.
Quote of the Moment
Poor Poland: so far from God, so close to Germany and Russia
Kind of a neat history and overview of @. Culturally, we're really unimaginative in what we call it, all these other cultures come up with a cute animal name for it... the funny thing is, each comes up with a different animal name for it.

Quote of the Moment
- everything that's already in the world when you're born is just normal;
- anything that gets invented between then and before you turn thirty is incredibly exciting and creative and with any luck you can make a career out of it;
- anything that gets invented after you're thirty is against the natural order of things and the beginning of the end of civilisation as we know it until it's been around for about ten years when it gradually turns out to be alright really.

More Art of the Moment
Interesting piece on the Art Manifestos from earlier this century, "when art mattered enough to hate". Mostly I liked all the manifesto snippets on the first page. I've always been a big fan of Dada myself.
Heh. I just remembered one of the entries from the Second Chapter of my Palmpilot Journal that I made after seeing a biography of Man Ray:
I must become the founder of CYBERDADA, and its foremost creator. An uncorruptable art form because of the bullshit line information wants to be free- infinite copies can be made, and who but an overmoneyed idiot or iconoclast would buy a piece of it anyway?Of course, someone beat me to it.
In any event my karmic balance felt improved.
Quote of the Moment
Leave the cat here.
Take the whiskey along.
Link of the Moment
RiksJotto II is a cheerfully insane java game. You control the crosshairs of a "semi-automatic Dragunov class sniper rifle" and your mission is to take out all the players of a soccer match... (but, the game reassures us, no one is killed, "The players are actors that are instructed to lay down when you aim at them") And you don't shoot the refs, because they're spoiling the game already.
I really like the little soccer game simulation built into this game.
That made such an impression upon me as a boy that I decided that no boy friend of mine would ever accuse me of licking the butter off his sandwich and I kept my promise.
Proof that girls are evil:
First we state that girls require time and money.
Girls = Time * Money
And we all know that "time is money."
Time = Money
Girls = Money * Money = (Money)2
And because "money is the root of all evil":
Money = sqrt(Evil)
Girls = (sqrt(Evil))2
And we are forced to conclude that
Girls = Evil
Link of the Moment
Interview with Douglas Adams on Atheism. Interesting points on the distinctions between Atheism and Agnosticism.
Link and Ramble of the Moment
A wonderful, wonderful commercial is back on the air... here's how I described it last summer:
You can see it here at VW (same link as above) or at AdCritic.com. (When I was looking for a second copy at the VW site I found this image which would have been much better for the quantum car gag I had here a few weeks ago.)There's a brilliant commercial for the VW Cabrio, a convertible. 4 people are driving on a moonlit road in the country, enjoying the night air, looking up at the moon, trying to catch the magical looking pollen as it blows past, all to this wonderful mellow folksy song 'Pink Moon'. They finally arrive at the destination, a party- through the windshield you see many cars, strings of big festive lights, people talking... it seems very pleasant but the foursome look at each other and silently decide to keep driving into the night. It's a beautifully shot piece, the convertible nature of the car permitting intimate shots from many angles in the moonlight, not just the typical headon from the front view. Even though I find the decision to ditch the party unbelievable and just the wrong choice, as a whole the spot really resonates with me. I'm seriously tempted to look into one when I get my next car. (Then again I've always liked the compact boxiness of VW convertibles.)
You know, one of the nice things about this quote 'blog over the Palm journal it replaced is that I can include links to the thing, as well as the images. Incidently, although some people were really happy to see Nick Drake (who did the song) get some exposure with this ad, I was a little bummed out when I saw that the lyrics didn't live up to the mood.

Quote of the Moment
Quantum particles: the dreams stuff is made of.(via Hofstadter's "Metamagical Themas"... he talks about a general attempt to over generalize the Uncertaintly Principle (like I do in this story)

Dreams are so hard to remember. I know they have a device that can wake you up just as a dream starts, and that's bad for your mental health. I wonder if they could make a machine to gently wake you just after you've had a dream, so that it would be more possible to record it.
Quote of the Moment
If making it in the real world doesn't involve sleeping until noon and playing frisbee all day, I'm totally screwed
Apparently, there was some kind of mechanical venting mechanism, presumably meant to whisk away smoke filled air, which was creating a low-pressure area in the lobby. (I don't know enough about fire codes to know if the implied supply of fresh air to a fire is consequential either.) The amount of force needed to open the doors was tremendous. Eventually the back doors (a floor down) were open, although I'm not sure how, or how they were kept from slamming shut.
"New, from the Towering Inferno Construction Company! It's LobbyVacuuSeal technology! Why bother with pesky layoffs and expensive severance packages, when you have LobbyVacuuSeal?"
Quote of the Moment
[The Monrobot Mark XI all-purpose computer] solves many of the technical problems that we in the computer game have been bucking for years [...] Mark XI weighs only three hundred and seventy-five pounds and is therefore completely portable.
On many occasions Liu Ling, under the influence of wine, would be completely free and uninhibited, sometimes taking off his clothes and sitting naked in his room. Once when some scholars saw him and chided him for it, Liu retorted, 'I take heaven and earth for my pillars and roof, and the rooms of my house for my pants and coat... What are you gentlemen doing in my pants?'
Political Quiz
Which headlines did not appear in an American newspaper?
Quote of the Moment
Why should I love God? He strung up his only son like a piece of veal. I should fear what he would do to me!

Quote of the Moment
I've coined new words like 'misunderstanding'...and to think he accused Gore of exaggeration of invention! Thank goodness the Dems have found some traction in the Senate.
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I've been doing a lot of AIMing lately. k: (AOL Instant Messenger-ing ). k: You initiate a chat with someone, k: and then each of you type at each other, k: a line sent at a time. k: I've been finding that writing pattern k: creeping into some of my other writing k: with clipped sentences, k: a line per thought to keep them interested, k: and commas to indicate more is coming. k: Interesting. |
Read of the Moment
Slate.com has a diary of a firefighter. You really have to respect firemen, there lives are such a blend of danger and boredom, as the journal entries explain. And harsh practical jokes. (via Spike Report)
Quote of the Moment
I mean--I know I caughter her off-guard and all, but I think she was kinda' gettin' into it...right before she threw me through the sliding glass door.
Link of the Moment
In a similar vein of dealing with women, it's Don Juan Center (at the URL sosuave.com -- nice touch.) Be sure to check out the articles link.
That's some cold shit, throwing my man Leroy out the window. Just picked my man up and threw him out the Goddamn window.
Link of the Moment

Quote of the Moment
"Everything," I am told, "tastes better when it's sitting on a Ritz." No exception is made for other Ritzes, so from this statement we can infer that any given stack of Ritz crackers tastes better than any smaller stack of Ritz crackers, and thus the tastiest stack of Ritz crackers is the tallest one that you can fit in your mouth.
Art of the Moment

God grant him every mercy and God convince us of our phenomenal good luck in having ordinary lives.He's referring to a recent graduate diagnosed with "a degenerative disease with a brick-wall prognosis."
Links of the Moment
The Douglas Coupland Dictionary is a glossary of neologisms the author has put forth in his books. Wired's Jargon Watch explores the same territory. Many are too cutesy or complex to enter general use, but some (such as "McJob") have entered common use. Coupland is even credited for popularizing "Generation X", the title of one of those books. (Coupland link via Bill the Splut's the news, Jargon Watch link via...uh...Wired and google)