The movie "Heretic" (Oscar bait for Hugh Grant, despite being a bit of a gory horror film) was really good. Didn't quite stick the final third, and while not impeccable, the views about the history of religion in the first part were a lot smarter than nearly any mainstream film I've seen.

The first of these 99% Invisible Mini-Stories is about "filler words" - the "uh"s, "um"s, and "y'know"s etc. They mention how many of the terms are multiuse (and each carries its own nuance) but I think they didn't spend enough time on "like"...
Ha, in checking on my blog I realize I talked about this 20 years ago:
At this very moment I'm listening to this interesting radio essay on Fresh Air Weekend, an NPR show. It's linguist Geoff Nunberg. The piece is a bit of a defense of the word "like". He points out that it's not just a lazy filler as is "umm" and "you know", but rather it's a frame for a bit of a performance. When you say "and then he said" you're getting ready to quote words, when you say "and he was like" you're setting up a re-enactment. I had this same thought when I was in the British Isles with my family in 1995. I was near Castle Blarney it, come to think of (it's where I came up with "I just kissed the blarney stone, and now I'm wicked eloquent.") The Blarney stone is interesting, you have to lie on the floor high up in this castle, and bend at a very odd angle to give that thing a smooch. The tourist tradition is kissing it they say, and the drunk local's tradition is to pee on it...Being militantly anti-authoritarian, I still appreciate the nod to epistemological uncertainty.
Anyway, Nunberg traces back use of the word 'like' way back to the fifties hipsters. There might be a philosophical edge to the use of this word, that it also says we really don't know much of anything, but we can still identify traits and make guesses.
in 2050 we'll be introduced to the new ideology "snow denialism" that consists of climate change deniers which also believe snow never existed and all pictures/videos of it are fake

lies, damn lies, statistics ....
What is the difference between science and religion?...
Science builds planes and skyscrapers, religion brings them together.

I'm not quite sure of the full (presumably sardonic) meaning of "Welcome To America" over an underground/sewer-ish hole but I have a hunch it might be a political stance I'd find disagreeable.

In 2008 I liked turkey legs. In 2017 I preferred pickles. Also I have a short beard.
PS what is this challenge all about anyway? it feels like some weird "build raw data to improve our facial recognition algorithms."

from badartistscopy.1
I think people are missing the point of the shithole comment.... Trump fans are ok with a vulgarian raging asshole in the white house, so long as he's not liberal or AT ALL likely to make them feel dumb, and probably agree with the tweet "If they aren't shithole countries, why don't their citizens stay there? Let's be honest. Call it like it is."
These same fans are too "AMERICA NUMBER ONE WOOOOOO" to get the obvious counter, as another tweet put it 'Norwegians: "We have health care, free college, a living wage, and great social services. Why would we move to your shithole of a nation?"'
I wish we had a full transcript, because I think the real bit of dumbassery, besides his brutally inhumane lack of understanding of "give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses", is that he thinks immigration is just a kind of proactive thing by the target country. The context was the immigration lottery, about limits on people from "the shithole countries" and he's all like we'd like to see "more people from places like Norway". Besides the likely racism guiding his country preferences, besides the history of US meddling that helped make those nations into "shitholes" 'cause we had some money to be made and some political agendas to followup on... well, to give him the benefit of the doubt, he'd love to "Make America Great Again" enough that we'd be appealing to Norwegians, but unless they're big fans of wealth-oligarchical kakocracies, they're going to stay away.
I know it's only half an hour ago, but I'm surprised Hawaii's false alarm to cellphones ("Ballistic missile threat inbound to Hawaii. Seek immediate shelter. This is not a drill") ain't bigger news yet.
Related: awaiting reports of a sharp decrease in sales of laxatives on big island of Hawaii.
Forecast for Sex By 50 When You Are a 46-Year-Old Black Woman This is sweet and brilliant. It reminds me of all the great African-American literature I got to read in college. (Admittedly I was initially driven by looking for double credits for my English major and my school's "world cultures" requirement, but it was great stuff.)
Life is a hard battle anyway. If we laugh and sing a little as we fight the good fight of freedom, it makes it all go easier. I will not allow my life's light to be determined by the darkness around me.
The last man on Earth sat alone in a room. His phone rings. "Hi, this is Rachel from Card Services calling about your credit card account..."

I just want a lover who'll make me chicken soup when I'm sickToday, I'm kind of wishing I had a special someone to go for the saltines and gatorade.
I think the worst thing is worrying about spreading it to other people.
It says he made us all to be just like him. So if we're dumb, then god is dumb, and maybe even a little ugly on the side.
You know, after years of "what are we going to call the first decade of the 2000s once we can't say 'this decade'?" it feels like "the aughts" is winning out.
The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up.
Software project 1) On time 2) On budget 3) With quality. You can not able pick any.
orange in the 60s, mus in the 70s, poon in the 80s, wu in the 90s. - history of tang prefixes
I'm getting used to the darkness now. Living below the city, I eat what crawls by, I talk to who is near. My looks don't matter here.
100 years of Markov chains via

from here I think. Informative!
What will survive of us is love.
New Blender of Love -- psyched that I automated a bunch of the usual scripts I used to build the beast every month...

MIT #mysteryhunt today- it's not the event to go to if you want to keep feeling smart. I think the large teams on it could cure cancer if it was setup as part of a puzzle.
Baked beans,My dad and I had that memorized when I was a kid.
Butter beans,
Big fat lima beans,
Long thing string beans--
Those are just a few.
Green beans,
Black beans,
Big fat kidney beans,
Red hot chili beans,
Jumping beans too.
Pea beans,
Pinto beans,
Don't forget shelly beans.
Last of all, best of all,
I like jelly beans!
A lot more class than "beans beans the musical fruit"!
Rumors that future iDevices might lose the physical home button-that sounds really dumb; 4 finger swipes too difficult in too many edge cases
The B in Benoit B. Mandelbrot stands for Benoit B. Mandelbrot.

--from's Tarot Cards That Might Actually Predict Something - deconstruction of the italian plumber
I'm, like, the black Greg Louganis of ice skating.
Ugh, Haiti.
"I had the flu yesterday, and I feel all wonky."
"You own a giant chocolate factory staffed by pygmies?"
--Cashan Stine and Danny Sichel
I used to think learners were either "memorizers" or "learners" - i.e. people who were better at memorizing factsvs those who learned basic concepts and applied them as needed. But maybe it's more like... "nouns" vs "verbs".
Spelling is nouns but English (literature) is verbs. Foreign language, "nouns". Physics is verbs, Chemistry nouns, which is why I think I was so much better at the former. Math was delightfully verby for me 'til Calc, then I started having to memorize more formulas that were too complex to figure out in real time.
Programming for me is verbs. When you understand the verbs, how things interrelate, you can easily google for the "nouns" that you expect to be there. Of course this is why I'm not a fan of big toolkits that promise to do everything for you once you set them up correctly - you get all the nouns setup and configured, but if the verbs don't end up being what you want, figuring out what went wrong and how is much, much harder.
[dismissive hand] Dems cwums. No eat cwums.
In the book he quotes a WW2 movie that quoted a bit of Faust: "Linger a while, thou art so fair". In an anecdote he has put on the web as well as in the book, he discusses how that line resonated when he decided to accept a position in Houston, paradoxically after witnessing a moment of almost surreal beauty in his beloved Kansas. The enecdote is worth reading.
He attributes the ideal to the Romantics:
Goethe was a Romantic poet, and this was a primary Romantic sentiment. A driving restlessness is the mainspring of the creative person. Faust hurls his challenge at Satan: "When did the likes of you ever understand a human soul in its supreme endeavor?"I think there's also a bit of the Eastern caution against over-attachment to the transient beauty of this moment. Of course, there's a longstanding Western ideal of turning one's eyes and heart to matters of Heaven "where neither moth nor rust doth corrupt, and where thieves do not break through nor steal", but you know, I think the Eastern interpretation catches the mixed feeling of that moment, more fully recognizes the divided heart we can have at this time, the legitimacy of that beauty of the world around us, not just the need to not let that beauty sway us from what needs to be done.
The line is so powerful because it asks for a respite; a time to hold time still. Only the context holds the tragedy of the condition, the need to move on.
Blog of the Moment
Slate is hosting a new blog The Happiness Project. I think I'll start keeping up with it for a while.
harveyjames 44 minutes into 2001? So what was that, like the space stewardess shuffling around the circular walls->floor?
"Linger a while, so fair thou art" --Faust. Lienhard show it as a warning lesson against over attachment to transient beauty.
Reliability is one of the finest of all the virtues. But I need to learn to relax and not fly off the handle when it's not there.
Humans see in stereo, but I think that implies that nothing is in perfect focus. We don't notice, because seeing is more like thinking.
cracked Generation Gap: 30-somethings maybe played TMNT on NES, 20-somethings know their names / colors / weapons / personalities.
Bush: "I believe this- the phrase 'burdens of the office' is overstated." I believe this- that Bush believes that.
Plus it came with one of the 50 or so T-shirts I made with it.
No word on the mylar bag the game and T-shirt came packaged in. (Surprisingly, a professional quality box is about the more difficult things for the homebrewers to do a nice economical job on.)
Heh. It reminds me that I never quite settled on whether it was "Joust Pong" or "Joust-Pong" or "JoustPong" or what.
Exchange of the Moment
"I just had an accident trying to see your picture."An anecdote after being distracted by an incoming photo on his cellphone. I'm not sure I agree that integrated devices are that much the same as multitasking for people, though.
"Will you get here in time to take me out to dinner?"
"I almost died."
"Well, you sound fine."
"Fine's not a sound."
creations | digital art | comics | animations | projects | virtual toys | ||
writing | personal history | essays | technology | creative writing | introspection | ||
other | photography | snapshots | convos | videogames | misc |
It's almost silly how long I spent on the revamp, but still, I think it was worth it, just as a way of gathering a big chunk of my creative output over the 21st century.
A small girl was lost at a large shopping mall.
She approached a uniformed policeman and said, "I've lost my grandpa!"
The cop asked, "What's he like?"
The little girl replied, "Crown Royal whisky and women with big tits."
Q/A of the Moment
In the US, laptops have started outselling desktops. That's kind of interesting...for myself, I've realized that having my own cheap laptops around has changed my relationship to "computing", freeing me from the desk. And I can imagine that in 10-20 years, desktop PCs will seem a bit like relics...the possibility of having more power than in a portable package just won't outweight the convenience, except in a few specialty applications.
Loveblender of the Moment
![]() | --Cartoon for this month's Love Blender digest ramble, which is actually this kisrael entry. Still a good month for the Blender. I like the Atomic Heart but I get a funny feeling like I've doodled it before... |
Mac of the Moment
Unsanity is not too impressed by the new Intel-based Apple MacBook Pro. They make a lot of good points, but
Another change is, of course, the name. Which is horrible. It doesn't roll off the tongue at all and is just too confusing. It actually sounds like some child created it. Well, some PC using child. It's uninspired. The PowerBooks were not named for the chip they used (unlike the PowerMac) as they used a 68k processor and were called PowerBooks long before the PowerPC chip was in them.Are you kidding me? They're defending the name "PowerBook"? The only reason it's good is because people are used to it! Otherwise "PowerBook" would sound like a concept that escaped from a children's Sunday School Animated Series as a more radical term for "The Bible". Seriously.
Tragedy of the Moment
Hold me, Bang, hold meFrom this Slate piece on the generosity shown by the survivors... that's one of the saddest things I've heard of; the sense of helplessness that husband and father must've felt just bowls me over. (There was another Slate piece that caught my eye: God: Has He Gone Too Far? I've heard jokes about how athletes are quick to thank God for victories but don't, say, blame Him for forcing them to fumble in the red zone. Though maybe that's just a practical strategy, maybe God is all-knowing and all-powerful but hasn't really gotten that "all-loving" thing least not how we understand it. So why risk Old Testament style vengence...)
Random Observation of the Moment
Some of the Indian guys at work call me "Krik", swapping the i and the r. I don't know if it's just a little mixup, if it's easier to say when your first language is Hindi, or what. But I think I'm purposefully not too quick to correct them, since then I don't feel so bad at how badly I mispronounce some of their names...
Project of the Moment
![]() |
the walking robot |
--Sample animations from the instruction booklet for
the "Etch-a-Sketch Animator".
It was a cool toy of the 80s that let you create up
to 12 frames of 40x30 animation and play them back in longer sequences.
Last year I e-bay'd up
this favorite childhood toy of mine
and made some art
with it. (Well, mostly I laboriously transferred some
small gif cinema onto
the device.)
In my decluttering frenzy I was about to get rid of the
booklet, but I realized the animations were all pretty cool...
I think I might make a special wing of small gif cinema for
these. I started with the cat animation (which is really great, but the Breakdancing Skeleton is no slouch--trés 80s) but then decided to do them all as animated gifs. Some were easier than others. |
rabbit in hat |
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the nosy spider |
the spaceship invader |
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birthday cake |
the creeping caterpillar |
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face | |
the train | ![]() |
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the submarine |
the cat | ![]() |
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the horse | |
baseball | ![]() |
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halloween | |
the breakdancing skeleton |
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Boston Geek News of the Moment
Huh...I hadn't realized that SoftPro Books had moved--from Burlington to about 5 minutes away from my house in Waltham. (SoftPro is the Boston area's geek's favorite place for technical books...I like supporting a local, specialized merchant who has some neat speakers and other programs.)
That's one of the things having a weblog does for me, it gets me to put the most interesting stuff in my life in a browsable form. I'm still a digital packrat, with all of the almost 4000 photos I've taken over the past year and a half with my Canon Digital Elph filed away, but it's what I've posted here (and in my photobooks) that I'll most likely be looking back on in the years ahead.
Movies of the Moment
Wonderfully funny and surreal GI Joe public service announcements with new sound tracks.
Funny Drink of the Moment
The 'Trent Latte': A glass of black coffee, and a glass of steamed milk, in separate but equal portions.
Funny of the Moment

--Internet Lore. Hmm, not quite so funny post 9-11. Ah well.
"Well, ya know, old Bush is a post turtle [...] When you're driving down a country road, and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle. You know he didn't get there by himself, he doesn't belong there, he can't get anything done while he's up there, and you just want to help the poor thing down."
Quote of the Moment
When you reach the ripe old age of 27 like I have, and you have the choice between investing time and investing money, you realize you should never go for the time. You can always make more money...

The trouble with the PocketPC isn't the hardware, of course... it's the way each program has a new interface. PocketPC feels like Windows 3.1 in interface, before the standards were settled, while Palm has some of the elegance of early Mac, circa 1988 or so.
It sounds kind of weird, but changing away from Palm would actually be a bit of a lifestyle change for me. For almost 4 years now, I've been keeping up the KHftCEA on a Palm, a commonplace book (quote journal) / dear diary collection. It's become part of what I am, part of the "extended me". But with this new 'blog, I've had to think about the two should relate, and what the point of the KHftCEA has been. In many ways this 'blog is better: it's updated daily, it's designed to be presentable to people, it can use images, it links to the outside world. And I can get to it to update it at home and at work. Still, having a copy on me always is important, so that's why I'm thinking about changing my PDA.
"Tom will be working something like 4 jobs in the next few months. My advice to you - don't follow your dreams. It takes up too much time and leaves you poor."
--Dylan, 01-1-8
"Bringing the beast stumbling to its feet"
--John Lammers on how not to code up large software systems
Poem of the Moment
The world's
beauty intact, indeed
it can never be other
radiantly intact
like the stars, like the stars
when the stars have no names once again.
--Franz Wright (from 'From a Discarded Image')
"Unfortunately, in my experience the only places without ice have southerners or californians."
--Greg Owen, 01-1-3
"Worry is like a rocking chair--it gives you something to do but it doesn't get you anywhere."
--Dorothy Galyean
"I don't like the idea of anybody getting killed, but especially me."
--Clint Eastwood
Thinking about merging the KHftCEA into the 'blog. Especially if I go for a pocketPC iPaq, with its much better screen, cool map software and decent web browser. The journal has images, it's written to a public standard, it has links to the outside world.
I should think about it more though. The palm has a much better UI, and I have the keyboard for it. If Palm came out with a higher rez model I might consider it instead but that might not be for a while.
The other night I started thinking about high school days and making out in the back seat of the Mikey Mobile, with Veronika and later Marnie. I need to write to Mike and find out about the make of car; it might make a good Blender Ramble.
"It's Time To Party Like It's This Year!"
--Jackie Harvey's "The Outside Scoop", The Onion
Sex reminder: the a capela duet of C+C.
I'll miss Dylan if he really is California Bound. I need to strengthen my social circles.
Mo's 2000 request, a promise for no proposals during the interim. Putting a timeline either way on romance makes me a little antsy. How *do* I feel about commitment?
My boss Kiran got the axe-
What should a romantic interest be?