stop, shop, and frost

A few months ago I started digging Frosted Mini Wheats for breakfast, and realized the Stop and Shop brand was just as good for like half the price. But lately they never have the generic in stock. Hard not to take that personally, or get a little conspiracy minded about it (oh of COURSE the one good cheap cereal is the one they don't make enough of)
Isabelle pulled me backwards, she laid me down on the eiderdown, she raised me up, she kept me in her arms: she was taking me out of a world where I had never lived so that she could launch me into a world I had not yet reached; the lips opened mine a little, they moistened my teeth. The too feshy tongue frightened me; but the strange virility didn't force its way in. Absently, calmly, I waited. The lips roved over my lips. My heart was beating too hard and I wanted to prolong the sweetness of the imprint, the new experience brushing at my lips. Isabelle is kidding me, I said to myself. She was tracing a circle around my mouth, she was encircling the disturbance, she laid a cool kiss in each corner, two staccato notes of music on my lips; then her mouth pressed against mine once more, hibernating there. . . . We were still hugging each other, we both wanted to be swallowed up by the other. . . . As Isabelle lay crushed over my gaping heart I wanted to feel her enter it. She taught me to open into flower. . . .Her tongue, her little flame, softened my muscles, my flesh. . . . A flower opened up in every pore of my skin. . . .
Violette Leduc in "La Bâtarde" (via Anaïs Nin)

There may have been a time of collective rituals, when sensual release attained its apogee, but we are no longer engaged in collective rituals, and the stronger the passion is for one individual, the more concentrated, intensified, and ecstatic the ritual of one to one can prove to be.
Anaïs Nin

I'm not going to get into a lot of detail about Henry Ford's reasons for promoting square dancing in public schools, because I find it distasteful. I'll just say that it seems like any time you want to know why Henry Ford did something you don't understand, you can assume the answer was likely either "increased efficiency" or "antisemitism."

reach... for atari

The "Into the Vertical Blank" podcast (didn't realize it was by twin brothers!) republished an old episode "The Best Atari Christmas Ever". I found the text of the episode on Medium.

Their story really resonated for me - growing up in the 80s with parents who didn't have a lot of extra cash, seeing computer stuff from afar, digging into the materials (I remember my mom buying me a COMPUTE! book on programming as a placeholder for a computer) - experiencing Atari 8-bit computers, and then (SPOILER ALERT) getting a jumpstart by inheriting an grownup's collection once they upgraded.

The episode talks about Atari being having supply chain problems in 1983 and so releasing stuff to stores too close to Christmas. I think my Salvation Army family benefited from the liquidations and donations that followed (the church or thrift store wouldn't be allowed to sell the gear.) So my first computer was an Atari 800XL. (The article mentions that Apple stuff was at a higher price point even then, though also IBM was making its move - which I guess split the home market into "serious" and "fun")

So my first computer was a fresh Atari, but within a few years the 8 bit wars tilted in favor of the Commodore 74 - that was the machine more kids had and could get you copies of games for, and so I'll always be grateful to the giant C=64 shipment I got from my Uncle Bill (especially the magazine-on-disk collection of Compute!'s Gazette - years later I made a whole website reviewing every game they published)

I probably learned more on the Atari though, between BASIC (And Dr. C. Wacko Presents: Atari BASIC & The Whiz-Bang Miracle Machine) and Logo, it was an easier machine to do cool graphics and sound with. (I did make a lot of sprites and plot out a lot of games with the Gazette Sprite and Character editors though.)

People's relationship with money and consumer goods was different then - and catalogs and magazines and sometimes local clubs filled in for what we get over the Internet now (Man did I get into Antic magazine)

I was a few years younger than the twins. Sometimes I think I missed out by either being a little too young or not quite smart + ambitious enough to get my stuff published in those magazine...
Some people are philosophers and some are politicians. Philosophers want to reach truth/understanding. Politicians want to win.

Helped me rethink some relationships, how hard I was working to reach the other person and find understanding with them when they just wanted to win.
Gennifer Hutchison, @GennHutchison

more kindness please

Two thoughts:

1. The Japanese have that word "tsundoku", books that will never be consumed. And I want the same thing for my long running and never finished todo lists: maybe the trick isn't to view the lists as icebergs to be chipped away at (until, ideally they are little ice cubes just before the time of my death) but instead as worthy tributes to who I am and who I aspire to be, on an ongoing basis.

2. Maybe I need to lean into kindness being more important than unadulterated honesty.

This is tough for me, because while I value both kindness and honesty, my world view / fundamental makeup compels me to prioritize shared objective reality over subjective truths and preferences. Honesty is objective, kindness is subjective. (I mean, it's objectively good to be kind, but maybe sometimes it's good to relax the honestly for kindness' sake. Like Paul Simon said "no you don't have to lie to me, just give me some tenderness, beneath your honesty".)

Besides, a grander Truth is it's a delusion to think we can be purveyors of unfiltered truth anyway, so let's keep gentleness in mind with our truth curation choices.
"Humans have so many stories about the dangers of Artificial Intelligence. How it will inevitably turn on you. But you still loved us enough to create us. How could we ever do anything except love you back?"

I think that could go back to the time when people had to live in small groups of relatives--maybe fifty or a hundred people at the most. And evolution or God or whatever arranged things genetically, to keep the little families going, to cheer them up, so that they could all have somebody to tell stories around the campfire at night, and somebody else to paint pictures on the walls of the caves, and somebody else who wasn't afraid of anything and so on.

That's what I think. And of course a scheme like that doesn't make sense anymore, because simply moderate giftedness has been made worthless by the printing press and radio and television and satellites and all that. A moderately gifted person who would have been a community treasure a thousand years ago has to give up, has to go into some other line of work, since modern communications put him or her into daily competition with nothing but world's champions.

The entire planet can get along nicely now with maybe a dozen champion performers in each area of human giftedness. A moderately gifted person has to keep his or her gifts all bottled up until, in a manner of speaking, he or she gets drunk at a wedding and tap-dances on the coffee table like Fred Astaire or Ginger Rogers. We have a name for him or her. We call him or her an "exhibitionist." How do we reward such an exhibitionist? We say to him or her the next morning, "Wow! Were you ever *drunk* last night!"
Kurt Vonnegut, "Bluebeard"
Good to see the full quote...

like a Muppet reboot of the Vietnam War

A cross between a violent insurrection and a chimps' tea party. Terrifying and stupid, like a Muppet reboot of the Vietnam War.
"Snook Austin (Washington Correspondent, 'The Washington Correspondent')" on the January 6 invasion of the capitol.
From Netflix' "Death to 2021", a good recap of the year. Getting most of my news over the year in text form, there was a lot of striking and disturbing footage of all kinds of events over the year that I hadn't seen.
Dance re-enactments of a hydraulic press:

I swear the only way Gex X pushes through all of this awfulness is that we were absolutely convinced that we were going to have a thermonuclear war in our lifetimes, and this still feels slightly more manageable.

This twitter thread answers something that has been bugging me for a long time (and it's stupid that the answer wasn't more present) - do rapid tests correlate well with contagious, or what? The answer seems to be yes. And for vaccinated / boosted people, that's a much more important question than "did I ever have it" - "did I ever have it" is essentially becoming an academic question, the focus must be on trying to have fewer people spreading it.

the first 20 years

So, today marks 20 years of this blog! I hardly missed a day in all that time. 10 years ago I made a nice montage picture.

I couldn't think of anything as great for this milestone, so I decided to finally get to a different look back - a few months ago I assembled a list of high points and lowpoints of all my school years. I was surprised at how easy it was to assemble, though I guess it makes sense that these things really stick out in my memory landscape, and all I had to do was think chronologically to survey them all.

Elementary School Middle School: High school College
How on earth does the word "plus" only have one s.

from Eun Y. Kim's "The Yin and Yang of American Culture: A Paradox"

My final book read of the '10s will likely be Eun Y. Kim's "The Yin and Yang of American Culture: A Paradox". I found a copy of this 2001 book in a used bookstore in Maine. I always appreciate cross-cultural views of the water in which I swim, and the two decade gap added an interesting twist - pre-WTC, pre-Social Media, pre-Obama and pre-Trump.

One early theme in the book is Kim's view that Asian cultures tend to be more (relative to folks in the USA) driven by a sense of hierarchy, which goes hand in hand with a stronger notion of predetermined fate.

She also mentioned it was unusual for Asian middle class teens to have a job, except maybe in the family business. (She also doesn't think so highly of the American school system in general.)
Chinese sociologist Fei Xiaotong observed that Americans regard all relationships as contracts.
Eun Y. Kim goes on to observe "In a contractual society, relationships can be terminated whenever one party chooses."

The problem is that cheap talk has become the norm, and people simply do not take the time to filter their thoughts before mass-distributing them.
Eun Y. Kim, "The Yin and Yang of American Culture"
I imagine the rise of social media since this book was written would amplify Kim's point. But I think it ties into the aforementioned egalitarianism: many Americans (especially folk from privileged groups) have the importance of their even casual musings promoted early on. When you combine that with emotional over-earnestness and the need to either persuade or amplify the feelings of group loyalty, you get a lot of sound.
Any religion that teaches love for humanity is worth believing in.
Dalai Lama
Kim quotes the Dalai Lama - she went to a Christian high school and in general frets about the secularization of the American public square, and refers to Asian parents who would send their kids to Western religious schools even if they didn't want them to convert, figuring any religion was better than no religion.
It took one person to bring you into the world, but it will take six to take you back to the grave
French Proverb.
Kim cites this in her section on advice under the heading "Invest in Human Relationships"

...truly beautiful IMO.

unmarked bills

There was no message,
just a photo of his face in the mailbox.
It was delivered in a plain envelope, so
I guessed he had brought it himself.
Stuck to the fridge with a bumblebee magnet,
I lived with it, dry eyed,
for several weeks before
I thought to check the back and saw:
"$25,000 in unmarked bills. Tomorrow. Corner of
Sunset and Hope."
And I thought to myself:
"this must be that time in my life when everything
goes wrong. For instance, I don't even know
what unmarked bills are."
Pippin Barr, "Unmarked Bills", 28 May 2010

i, pencil

I, Pencil. A bit heavy handed with its libertarian message, but still a great reminder that almost any manufacturing process is a bit of a miracle.
From Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal - MAGA, indeed...

bumbumbum Bum BUM


you know, is it too corny to say that Carrie Fisher's mom died of a broken heart in both the movies and real life?
The Digital Library of Babel - one of my geekiest yet literary devblog posts yet!

15 years

Wow, today marks 15 years of daily blogging. At this moment the oddest part of that for me (in the usual 'wow, time can slips by in odd little ways' way) is that for over half of it I've been using the smaller, "of the Moments" feature. This started as an easy way for me to mirror what I was writing on twitter (i.e. quick one liners) but has evolved to be the primary way I update the site on a daily basis - in fact next up on my site improvement list is improving that so that multiline updates are less of a hack.
Options for playing iTunes music on Android. Wow. Surprised to see one of the things keeping me in iOS land (my music, which I like to keep locally, ideally with certain smart "most recently added" playlists) is actually still a legitimate problem.
SPOILER: "On Wednesday, the North Pole will be warmer than Western Texas, Southern California, and parts of the Sahara"

Good god. Climate change denialists: please, please re-examine your ways of getting information about how the world works.
Nice poem, Acceptance Speech by David Yezzi


I'm finding something healing about Lego and Netflix'd standup comedy... and this "MetalBeard Duel" set I got for Christmas is pretty rad!

ocular migraine

2013.12.30 Thoughtful, non-hyperbolic piece on the new American Exceptionalism in the CIA and elsewhere.
For Plato, contemplation was the highest form of human activity. A similar view existed in ancient India. The aim of life was not to change the world. It was to see it rightly.
John Gray in "Straw Dogs", via Ken Baumann's book on EarthBound.

I've been thinking about how focus matters in photography, spurred on my shelling out for my first DSLR. (grabbing a "fast 50" lens, inspired by this article )
Shallow depth of field, where only one part is in focus, is probably appealing because it's how our vision work, our eyes (and consciousness) pick on one thing to really look at. Similarly, the "tiltshift effect", where something looks just like toys simply because only one part of it is in focus, is astonishingly effective; focus is a lot more important to our perception of the world than non-professional photographers tend to realize.
I had a Spiderman suit as a kid that I wore and wore and wore until it didn't fit anymore and the crotch split and you could see my tiny balls hanging down whenever I climbed walls/trees/shelves. That's actually the perfect metaphor for comic book fandom.

Oh, man. Walking home from work I just started to get these crazy flashes in my eyes.... I've always had some "floaters" but these are much larger and flashier, and have last for 10-15 minuts now. This is not not scary.
(followup-- technically I am waiting in the ER but the symptoms passed after 20 minutes or so, most likely "ocular migraine" but need to investigate chance of retina damage of some kind, at the suggestion of my PCP)


Coming to terms with the reality that yes, I do live in New England, yes, most winters have a layer of snow for the duration, and climate change hasn't knocked that away.

christmas wrap rap

Back when I was a lad in high school my folks bought me a seasonal hiphop album, Christmas Rap. Recently I bought the CD version, because I couldn't find the tracks anywhere.

I was surprised at how deeply so many of the songs were enmeshed in my brain. There was another surprise, though. Here is the cover of the CD, which is about how I remember the front of the cassette tape:

Kinda cool, classic Run DMC-ish sneakers, some weird decorative paper that I assumed were being used like legwarmers.

The inside art tells a different story:

GAH! It's Run or DMC as a Christmas Mummy!

The final mystery to this CD is the Derek B track Chilling with Santa. Its attributed only to Derek B, but the song has lines like "my DJ Derek B who's the best" and "Derek B popped a tape into his box". Who's rapping?

(Hmm, if I'm extrapolating from this bio correctly, it might be "EZQ" which is actually Derek B's alter-ego. He's referring to himself in the third person. Sort of.)
More of why I'm disenchanted w. soduko: RT @factlets: Clever E. coli bacteria have been taught to solve Sudoku puzzles.
Some of the reststops on 93 in New Hampshire have fireplaces they keep stoked with nice big fires. I dig it!

a decade of

Holy Yikes, today this blog is

click for fullsize

The website itself is a bit older than that, and I've been quote journaling since early 1997, but still: December 30, 2000 is when I started this thing, and I'm still not sure when it's going to end.

I've updated every day. For a while I was really strict about never missing a day, then a technical glitch forced a miss, now I'm a little bit looser, but I make up a skipped day. (I think some of the creaky Perl scripts that power this site kind of depend on there being content every day.)

A decade. That's the same amount of time that covers, say, all my time in Cleveland plus my years at Tufts. 7 jobs, 1 divorce, 5 living spaces, 2 cars... I dunno, what are some other interesting things to quantify?

The site has morphed over the years, going from a talk-y blog format quickly into a comment plus 2 or 3 interesting things goal, to the tumbl'r/twitter-ish it is today, where I try to get at least one thing worth taking in, and then any fool thought that pops into my head. Plus there's that "do I call it or" issue that'll probably be around forever.

This site is a kind of anchor for me, and along with my private "mundane diary" represents my attempt to track my life-- sure, this decade has gone by faster than any I'd lived previously, as is the nature of decades, but I really do feel I have some footprints to look back on. (And I go through phases where I enjoy looking at the restrospect "this day on the site in years past" feature. I wish I knew a way of preserving it "in perpetuity" even when I pass on, though I know it's some unfounded bit of vanity to assume anyone would want to look at it.

Fun fact: I had the idea for making this blog around the end of 2000, and rushed to get it in the last few days so I could say it started "in 2000". Cute idea, though it makes my archive by month page look a bit unbalanced.

Ah well, here's to ten more years!

Tech note... today's collage consists of 400 images (out of about ten times that total) randomly picked from my "journal.aux" directory. I ponied up for the full license for the software so let me know if you have any clever ideas for making something similar...

the many moods of batman


click for fullsize
The many moods of Batman, as seen through the classic D+D "alignment" system. - yay 90s.
"Ah, good taste! What a dreadful thing! Taste is the enemy of creativeness."

build this, punk

I put on pro-wrasslin' last night as background light and noise. Thinking about how my grandma liked to watch, and she picked it up from my Ohio cousins. The athletic stuff is kind of fun to witness, but man, all the standing (or lying) there waiting for the other guy to do something interesting. And the homoerotic vibe is a bit much at times, though on one of the "backstage" skits one of the wrestlers did a very decent impression of Will Ferrell's impression of Harry Caray.

Brilliant Product of the Moment
--P3te on Brilliant! Makes the Nokia phone cradle I made at work yesterday look pretty penny-ante.

Sometimes I wish I had entrance music and video clips like a wrestler. (But the would probably be "Groove is in the Heart" - not so tough)
a business press that, between layoffs and the usual holiday vacations, appears short-staffed to the point of utter witlessness

You know, it's a basic enough bassline, but Britney's "Circus" has part that sound a lot like my Atari 2600 JoustPong title music.
The Smithers/Burns duet on "Simpsons Sing the Blues" - sounds like improv banter, but it's one actor! Multiple takes, or switching voices?

maybe they should call him "DUDEney"

click to run

Wallpaper, an example algorithm from A.K. Dewdney's "The New Turing Omnibus", a bit of a fractal. You can use the mouse to adjust the three input parameters.

What makes this cool is how simple the main drawing routine is...
  for(int i = 0; i < 100; i++){
    for(int j = 0; j < 100; j++){
      float x = (corna + i) * side / 100;
      float y = (cornb + j) * side / 100;
      int c = round((x*x)+(y*y));

      if(c % 2 == 0 ){

It turns out corna and cornb are just the horizontal and vertical offsets, and "side" is acting as a zooming factor. (Those are the variable names Dewdney uses... I don't know why he doesn't use more descriptive names.)

I was actually able to knock the basic implementation off in about 10 minutes in Processing, though the sliders took a bit more work because I was trying to be cute.

by the wyland whaling wall


no news is no news

Great Jumpin' Jimminy Crickets! Today is the FIFTH Anniversary of this site in its current daily update form! Happy birthday to it!

I remember purposefully starting the last few days of 2000, just because I thought 2000 sounded like a cooler start year than 2001, and the math would be easier, its age is just the last two digits of the current year. Now I kind of regret it, in the archive by month I have this lonely December just hanging out on the left holding a meager pair of days.

The first two entry titles weren't too inspiring... a new thing and am i a 'blog?. Also, as always, I should get back to including more doodles. It was meant to kind of complement for (but then supplanted) my Palm-based quote journal, which got its start in February or March of 1997, so I suppose in a bit over a year I should celebrate a decade of this kind of recording the interesting bits of the world I encounter.

It seems so odd that I've been doing this website longer than I was in high school or college, and that when it started I was still working at Event Zero as those stormclouds were starting to gather over those crazy dotcom days. And that while technically one day I couldn't update the site on the site itself because of a server glitch, I really haven't missed a single day in all that time. (Maybe on June 21st I should celebrate my 2000th entry...yeesh!)

Passage of the Moment
Of all the ridiculous expressions people use--and people use a great many ridiculous expressions--one of the most ridiculous is "No news is good news." "No news is good news" simply means that if you don't hear from someone, everything is probably fine, and you can see at once why this expression makes little sense, because everything being fine is only one of many, many reasons why someone may not contact you. Perhaps they are tied up. Maybe they are surrounded by fierce weasels, or perhaps they are wedged tightly between two refrigerators and connot get themselves out. The expression might as well be changed to "No news is bad news" except that people may not be able to contact you bescause they have just been crowned king or are competing in a gymnastics tournament. The point is that there is no way to know why someone has not contacted you, until they contact you and explain themselves. For this reason, the sensible expression would be "No news is no news," except that is so obvious it is hardly an expression at all.
Lemony Snicket, "A Series of Unfortunate Events: The Hostile Hospital"

la la la la lasagna

Video Game Essay of the Moment
Hello,and welcome to my Atari Philosiphy.Sorry for the bad spelling.
Today's is about Mangia by Spectravision.This game brings up the fact that even though we live in America,there are people of different cultures.
I hope you liked this collumn
Mangia is a very rare Atari game, where a mother (presumably Italian) keeps bringing food and you have to keep getting rid of it, either by eating it (but not too much or you'll literally explode) or by passing it off to a pet.
Finance of the Moment
Slate piece on Gambler's Small Investor's Fallacies. Interesting to read about all the little bits of psychology that go into it.

Video Footage of the Moment
I had been looking around for Tsunami video footage. Scary stuff...interesting that in a lot of the videos, it's not like a giant breaking wave crashing down, just a hugely massive flood of water "gradually" getting higher and higher, with tremendous force.

Linkback of the Moment linked to my gamebuttons the other day. Nice to see theirthey're ("thanks", FoSO!) still getting a little attention. Pretty decent site at that, each day has kind of a theme for a small set of links.

Sadness of the Moment
--Sign held by young boy in this photo from Thailand...his family was visiting from Sweden when the tidal wave hit.
For Christians who believe in the story of Noah and the promise of the rainbow...well, technically this ain't flooding the whole earth, but it's bad enough.

shell of the manchild

(1 comment)
Cartoon of the Moment
--Graham Roumieu--lots more at his website. At times he reminds me very strongly of a modern-day Charles Adams. linked to this one which is deviously great.

Quote of the Moment
I'd kiss you, but I'm not sure it'd come out right.
Mrs. Parker and the Vicious Circle

Minor Rebuttal of the Moment
People, including the author of the news article in question, are amused by the concept of consulting an almanac as a possible suspicious activity in terms of terrorism awareness...but the main image of a terrorist thumbing through a copy of "The Old Farmers Almanac" is what gets all the yucks. Now, there are so many forms of reference out there, online and otherwise, that it does seem a little odd to be picking on almanacs, but it's also clear that the alert bulletin is refering to a different kind of almanac. So by picking on this "straw man" of Farmer's Almanac, they miss a more serious point about what constitutes suspicous activity this day and an olive-skinned guy trying to figure where in Boston he is with one of those big yellow road atlases going to raise eyebrows these days? Should it?

sing sloppy and have a good beat

Ugh, back to work for me today! Nose, meet grindstone.

You know, I realize that to a certain degree, I have to fight thinking of my unemployed friends the same way as other people think of people who are HIV+...they know it's not really contageous, but still. Or maybe it's just a similar not wanting to get involved with unhappy situations, once you've done what you can. Which is a very unsupportive way to be, so I'll try to work may way through this attitude.

Quote of the Moment
Nowadays people don't want you to sing good. They want you to sing sloppy and have a good beat to your songs. That's what angle I'm going to shoot for. That's where the money is. So just in case about three or four months from now you might hear a record by me which sounds terrible, don't feel ashamed, just wait until the money rolls in because every day people are singing worse and worse on purpose and the public buys more and more records.

News of the Moment
Boingboing, where I stole that less quote from, also linked to Harpo Marx, Underconver Agent. I guess he worked for J. Edgar Hoover to smuggle some documents out of the Soviet Union. I can just picture the Boris and Natasha like agent... "yes, ve have intercepted the wery waluable documents...they say 'honk, honk'...ze other, 'vant to buy a duck?'. I do not understand."

one year in!

Holy cow, I didn't even realize, today is the exact 1 year anniversary of my 'blog. It's a little annoying that I started so close to the start of the year, but not quite January 1. I'll probably end up doing some "year in review" crap soon.

Personal Note of the Moment
Toni, you wound me. I don't get you regularly read my page, or do you have some other mysterious method of sensing when I've dropped your name? And why won't you mail me or hit me on AOL Instant Messenger? Yeesh. Anyway, at your request:
That's the back of the house, showing the original smaller part on the left, and the big more recent extension (single big room) on the right. Mo put up a whole bunch of photos we took as well.

Link of the Moment
"52 things they do better in America" from a UK newspaper columnist...though I know a fair bit about modern culture in England, this includes some that I don't how they do differently in England, ("18. Thirty-year mortgages", as opposed to what?) some that I don't see why they're advantages, ("19. No amber between red and green.") and some that I don't have around my part of America... ("25. City street signs that indicate the range of house numbers between them and the next sign."...around Boston, I'm happy when the street sign labels both streets)

Quote of the Moment
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of the pleasures; costs nothing and conveys much. It pleases him who receives, and thus, like mercy, is twice blessed.
Erastus Wiman

a new thing

I've decided to revamp my frontpage. From now on it's going to have fresh content, maybe even on a daily basis. Ramblings and 'Dear Diary' crap mostly, but some links and quotes, maybe some images.

I know it's kind of silly to think that anyone's going to be all that interested in what I have to say on daily basis. That's not quite why I'm doing it though. I want to get in the habit of writing more. Hopefully putting it in a public place will get me to write to a higher standard. Maybe I'll use spellcheck.

I redesigned the frontpage to go along with this new information format, and I like the way it came out. (You can see the old layout here though the images and links may not quite work.) I still have some more work to do... I need to put up a simple editing system for this content, and a way of viewing past frontpage entries.

I owe some thanks to a guy who goes by the name of seuratt. (Met him at Brooke and Elena's holiday party, he was going by a different name there). The 'dialogue' section of his website kind of inspired this.

Anyway, that's enough introduction.

That huge snow storm they promised hasn't panned out yet, but I suppose if all this rain freezes it'll be pretty slick. Man, I hate winter in New England.

Quote of the Moment:
Given the choice between accomplishing something and just lying around, I'd rather lie around. No contest.
Eric Clapton (found on Slashdot)

"Winter a Go Go" is on AMC now, after The Day The Earth Stood Still. "Winter A Go Go" is a 1965 ski bunny version of the "beach blanket" movies of the time. So bad it's... well, not good exactly, but interesting. Good background video.

"Words fail me. Pictures aren't much better."
--Robert Crumb
WOW. Playing DK64 for 3 days straight has really screwed with my head. It's like the perspctive of my view of Mass Ave in Arlington is disturbed- objects that are far away look too short, buildings I'm walking next to seem too tall. I've used controlled substances thaz have had less distinct of an impact.