2001 December❮❮prevnext❯❯
Quote of the Moment
"Sometimes you get the elevator...
...sometimes you get the shaft."
Videogamers of the Moment
Man, and some of my friends thought I was bad with my videogame collection... pretty impressive. I feel so inadequate.
Joke of the Moment
A rancher needs a bull to service his cows but needs to borrow the money from the bank. The banker who lent the money comes by a week later to see how his investment is doing. The farmer complains that the bull just eats grass and wont even look at the cows. The banker suggests that a veterinarian have a look at the bull.
The next week the banker returns to see if the vet helped. The farmer looks very pleased: "The bull has serviced all my cows, broke through the fence, and has serviced all my neighbor's cows."
"Wow," says the banker, "What did the vet do to that bull?"
"Just gave him some pills," replied the farmer.
"What kind of pills?" asked the banker.
"I don't know," says the farmer, "but they sort of taste like chocolate."
Brooklyn Girl has secured the domain PaulReubens.com to get Paul Reubens' attention. So Mr. Reubens, if you happen to be Googling your name and this page comes up, please contact her at her site. (Incidentally, the front page of her site is probably a parody of Art Frahm's peculiar artistic themes.)
Criticism of a Past Moment
Let us be blumbt. Try reading English literature...Taken from my original Loveblender comments page, probably concerning some of the writing on this page, especially Cafe at Night.
I am sorry, Kirk, I can not find any susbstance in your writing.
Forgive me if I am to direct. If one squezes your bla-bla, the juice that one gets is quite unfulfilling. You try to give drama to it, Where is the drama? You try to create a scenario, where is it?
One may speek of many things and say nothing.
I just like the idea of somebody squeezing my bla-bla to get juice.
Quote of the Moment
You know, Captain, every year of my life I grow more and more convinced that the wisest and the best is to fix our attention on the good and the beautiful. If you just take the time to look at it.One of the cheesiest quotes I've ever heard, it just comes out of nowhere, the show had a lot of fun with it.
Link of the Moment

Different strokes to rule the world. So to speak.
(via Cruel Site of the Day)
Movie Quote of the Moment

Simon: Father! ...we must leave at once!Just as good as you'd expect a film featuring David Hasselhoff, starring a robot sheriff with a southern drawl, with intermittent kung fu scenes, bone wielding cavemen, and alternate titles like "The Adventures of Stella Star", "Female Space Invaders", and "Scontri stellari oltre la terza dimensione" to be. In other words, so bad it actually warps the flow of time and space around it. Mo and I watched it last night. Thanks Erin.
Stella Star: 48 seconds left 'til the explosion--we've got to get out of here!
Simon: It's true father--the count has mined the planet with nuclear devices. We're all about to die!
Emperor: You know something my boy? I wouldn't be Emperor of the Galaxy if I didn't have a few powers at my disposal. [To Ceiling:] IMPERIAL BATTLESHIP, HALT THE FLOW OF TIME!
Link of the Moment
Is Your Son a Computer Hacker? An amusing parody of a parent's view of the current geek world. (Thanks to Peterman for the link.)
Quiz of the Moment
A little topical quiz: Character in Harry Potter Book, or Current U.S. Navy Rear Admiral? Surprisingly challenging. (thanks Ranjit)
Link of the Moment

Quote of the Moment
We have tamed lightning, and now use it to make sand think.It's a pretty amazing thought, actually. Incidentally, this is the last piece of pre-wedding backlog I had stored up, though there is still plenty of stuff from July...
Quote of the Moment
Tell that guy the piano ain't got no 'wrong notes'.He's speaking to the Radio Engineer regarding the DJ talking about how Monk made music by hitting the "wrong notes", via Phil Schaap.
Random Observation of the Moment

Quote of the Moment
I'll never make that mistake again, reading the experts' opinions. Of course, you only live one life, and you make all your mistakes, and learn what not to do, and that's the end of you.I don't know why, but I find it a very reassuring quote.
Link of the Moment

Link of the Moment

Quote of the Moment
Sturgeon's Law: "Ninety percent of everything is crap."(Dennett quoted this the other night, in response to Peterman's question, I think it addresses people who would apply meme theory to everything.)
![]() |
--View out of the kitchen window. Man, I hate winter in New England. |
Funny of the Moment
My parents just came back from a planet where the dominant lifeform had no bilateral symmetry, and all I got was this stupid F-Shirt
Geek Chat of the Moment
kirk: I've found another nugget of wisdom to add to my regular expressions arsenalYou might have to be a bit of a programmer to get this. Regular Expressions are a tricky-ish tool to process text in a program, and one thing programmers do is "comment out" lines of code (i.e. turn them from program code to mere non-code commentary) when they're poking around, trying to figure out what's going wrong. Hmm. For a non-geek this joke probably doesn't work at all. But Who Says Java Programmers Don't Have A Sense Of Humor?
john: mmm???
kirk: they work better when not commented out
PG-13 Link of the Moment
This tale of the Worst Job in Singapore (At a zoo sperm bank--you figure it out...) sets off my BS detector, but it's still a funny read.
![]() | --A common, drive-you-nuts typo for the Nintendo game "Rogue Squadron 2: Rogue Leader" is "Rouge Leader"... Robert Montjoy of bobville.com created this memory aid, but he says it hasn't helped much... |
Web Tool of the Moment
Interesting...MakeAShorterLink.com. You enter one of those big honking links, and they will store it in their database, and give you a short, easily cut-and-pasteable link that when clicked will bring you to your original target...a neat idea and public service.
Dialog of the Moment
"She's about a quarter turn from being a diesel dyke."It was quite the macho belt to go along with MZ's new short haircut. In a similar story, Mo got hit on by a woman Newbury Comics. She was very happy to still have her old "dyke street cred"...
"You haven't seen my new belt!"
So I've been going a little nuts going over my old posts. Here's the first one of mine I could find. (Actually, the searching mechanism seems a little buggy, you can see it by fiddling with the dates, so it's probably not my first first post.)
Ok. Time to prove my true navel-gazing geekdom. Here's a handy chart of all the accounts I used to post, and related info:
account | dates | # | #/day |
kisrael@pearl.tufts.edu | 28 Apr 1993 - 14 May 1993 |
9 | .56 |
kisrael@jade.tufts.edu | 14 Sep 1993 - 05 Jun 1994 |
102 | .39 |
kisrael@emerald.tufts.edu | 15 Jun 1994 - 27 Feb 1995 |
139 | .54 |
kisrael@diamond.tufts.edu | 23 Mar 1995 - 25 May 1997 |
486 | .62 |
kisrael@allegro.cs.tufts.edu* | 26 May 1997 - 28 Sep 1997 |
265 | 2.12 |
kisrael@allegro.cs.tufts.edu | 28 Sep 1997 - 29 Jul 1999 |
1950 | 2.9 |
kisrael@andante.cs.tufts.edu | 03 Aug 1999 - 12 Jul 2000 |
873 | 2.5 |
kisrael@andante.eecs.tufts.edu | 15 Jul 2000 - 01 Sep 2001 |
962 | 2.33 |
kirkspam@alienbill.com | 01 Sep 2001 - 11 Dec 2001 |
483 | 4.8 |
I'm a little alarmed that the average posts per day has doubled lately. It may be a spike, since it's a smaller than average sample, and I posted a lot right after September 11th...
Funny of the Moment
> Actually, I have heard rumors that Howard SternEvery once in a while I'm worried that I used to be funnier.
> and H Ross Perot are one and the same. (Have we
> ever seen them in the same room, huh? huh?)
No, that's not true: in fact I have them both in my room right now:
say Hello, Ross:
Hello! I'd l
That's enough Ross, thank you. Howard?
This is fucking ridicu
Thank you, Howard.Kirk "and the truth shall make you free" Israel
Looking at my old posts, I found some old ".sig" taglines I hadn't thought about for a while. It turns out most of these had made it into my old Palm journal as an appendix: part 1 and part 2. (Some of those were also from my ".plan", the file someone would see when they "finger"ed my account...er, it's not as sick or complicated as it sounds.) What didn't make it there, however, was my ASCII art, generally just a small part of my longer 80-col sigs.
This guy came first. I think in some way he was supposed to represent alien bill, or at least be a similar kind of character:
_/O\_Later on I had some Happy Holiday Reindeer.
_| |_ _| |_ \ ___ / \ ___ / \o o/ \o o/ ()___/ __>o ()___/ __>o ) / ) ,_ < /// >>>> /// \\\ '''' '''' " " " "I started with the guy on the left, then switched him to the guy on the right when someone pointed out the original's resemblance to a reindeer/centipede mutant crossbreed. Though overall, the ASCII-art I was most fond of was my selfportrait...
_____ -O\O Kirk Israel ( = ) kisrael@jade.tufts.eduI thought it was a pretty good likeness, captured my lips and cheeks pretty well.
Link of the Moment
Slashdot had a link to this guy who built a portable Super Nintendo. At first I wasn't all that interested, but I was drawn in my his Comic Book Hero account of its making...a funny, informative read. For instance, it informs me that I'm even farther from being a hardware hacker than I had assumed.
Quote of the Moment
I've had a wonderful time, but this wasn't it.I once read a biography by one of his sycophants who knew him near the end of his life...the subtext was "this guy was a complete jerk to most everybody around him, but it was ok, because most people would receive an insult from Groucho than a compliment from anybody else." Still, he had some great lines.
Old Sorta Funny of the Moment
> Two males got mad in a traffic accident on the downtown
> interstate and got out and took turns shooting to death
> the guy who was involved in a fender bender with them.
"I'm gonna shoot him! <BLAM!> There, he's dead."
"Ok, my turn- <BLAM!> Ha- dead again!"
"Gimme my gun back. <BLAM!> There, I killed him again."
"Sucka! Gimme that! <BLAM!> He's dead."
"Yup. <BLAM!> I killed him."
I dunno Vic, this is pretty extreme, even by your standards.
Link of the Moment


Link of the Moment
This guy really, sincerely likes gum. Or he's pretending to. I'm not sure.
Quote of the Moment
There are 27O million Americans. The US is filthy with one-in-a-million events.

One thing I noticed about Smurfs, relatively recently: their heads are huge. Papa Smurf's beard kind of hides it here, but they are like footballs balanced on their scrawny little shoulders.
The Official Smurf Site has some interesting history about the boys in blue. (click on "Facts" on the left navbar.) The "history" page propagates the line that they are "three apples high". This always seemed weird when we heard it in the original cartoon, because unless you're talking crabapples, the Smurfs are shorter than that. Years later in middle school French I realize that there's an expression, you say a short person is "as tall as three apples", and that this literal usage of the expression is meant to be a joke that just doesn't translate very well.
Quote of the Moment
The appreciation of pleasing decay is an important one because it is so often neglected
Link of the Moment
An interesting study Social Networks and the Prediction of Romantic Relationship State and Fate... turns out if you want to know the likely future of a heterosexual romance, don't ask the couple, and don't ask his friends, it's her friends who will have the most realistic appraisal.
ranjit: Some people can say "you know what I'm saying" in just two syllables, nome sane?
kirk: we laugh because it's funny, we laugh because it's true
ranjit: we laugh because of the electrodes inserted into our cerebellums
Link of the Moment
The results of the Great Bellybutton Lint Survey are in. And the conclusion is, that ain't just clothing lint. I object to their use of the term "Snail Trail" for the hair trailing from the belly button on down...that implies that it's slimy or slippery, and hopefully it's neither of these things. "Happy Trail" is a much better term.
Quote of the Moment
Not all of us who drink are poets. Some of us drink because we're not poets.Not as bad a movie as I had feared, but I don't see why people praise it quite so much as they do.
It should not be surprising kids like the stuff. Dried nasal discharge is largely composed of complex sugars, sodium and water -- the same ingredients as most junk foods.(via Ranjit)

Mystery of the Moment
What the heck is this?? Perhaps there are some things I just wasn't meant to know.

![]() ![]() |

Quote of a Previous Moment
Uma Thurman on a Hog Harley: now that's heaven.
The United States of America has just succeeded in bombing a country back out of the Stone Age.Maybe a little overly optimistic, but an interesting point.
Link of the Moment
In California at least, the right to wear pants shall not be infringed. Ok, not quite as wacky as it may first appear. (thanks Ranjit...wow, he's been a veritable fount of interesting stuff lately.)
Geekness of the Moment
Yes, I am a geek. A bit of a video game geek. That's why the other night I typed in all of Electronic Gaming Monthly's "Best 100 Games of All Time" (for their 150th issue) into my homebrew database. I've always been interested in lists like that. But the scary thing is, it's not the first time I've done this...I did the same thing with their "100 Best" list they made for issue 100. So I was able to compare the two lists, you can see the results here. (You can also see the older list that a bit more analysis on it.) I think it's interesting to see what games slipped, as well as what older games have seemed to improve with time.
Enya to Star Wars, Enya to Star Wars, Enya to Star Wars
Link of the Moment

Man, why do suck things always come in waves?
Headline of the Moment
Salvation Army fights to stay in Moscow...they're being accused of being a paramilitary! Hee hee hee. The 'Army claims it's because they're not making the requisite bribes.
Piecemeal Quote of the Moment
With the arrival of the "ultra-rapid computing machine", "the average human being of mediocre attainments or less" will have "nothing to sell that is worth anyone's money to buy."Couldn't find the whole quote, but I think it's from early-ish in the 1900s. It's an interesting flipside to the "computers will do all the work and we can all retire and it will be utopia" mentality.

Quote of the Moment
Life is like a box of chocolates, a cheap, thoughtless, perfunctory gift no one ever asks for. Unreturnable because all you get back is another box of chocolates. So you're stuck with this mostly undefinable whipped mint crap, mindlessly wolfed down when there's nothing else to eat during the game. Sure, once in a while you get a peanut butter cup or an English toffee, but it's gone too soon and the taste is fleeting. In the end you're left with nothing but broken bits of hardened jelly and teeth-shattering nuts, which if you are desperate enough to eat, leaves nothing but useless brown paper wrappers.Actually, I like boxes of chocolate.
Silver Lining of the Grey Cloud of Suck of the Moment
When I was looking for possible archives of my site, Ranjit pointed out the wonder of archive.org. They have snapshots of websites going all the way back to 1996. It was interesting to see my homepage circa 1996, 1997, 1998, and 1999
Quote of the Moment
Imperfect Web Design For An Imperfect WorldI think it's a useful construction for a lot of circumstances. It could be used for expressing the "sometimes 'just good enough' is best" kind of attitude...
Quote of the Moment
"I'm prettier than you are! I'm prettier than you are!"
"...but you're still dumb."
Link of the Moment
OK, I lied about not having any Christmas-related backlog. There's a convincing salon.com article All Hail Pottersville, about how the "evil" alternative future of James Stewart's town in It's a Wonderful Life was really pretty rocking, and maybe Bedford Falls wasn't all that great to begin with. (I didn't want to post this quite yet because I haven't seen the dang movie.)
Image of the Moment
![]() | --I thought I'd do a Google Image Search for a spinning gift gif. Somehow this beauty came up. I find it disturbing on several levels at once. |
Anyway, hope you all are having a good Holiday Season!
Funny of the Moment
I carried a case of Sam Adams Winter Lager out to a customer's car yesterday. She popped the trunk, saying "I wonder what's in here." There was 1 of those wheeled golf bag carriers (but no golf bag), & something else.
ME: "Why is there an anvil in your trunk?" HER: "It's my boyfriend's car." ME: "Why does your boyfriend's car have an anvil in it?" HER: "I dunno!"
I suppose you should have something with which to defend yourself, in case you get carjacked by Wile E. Coyote.
Link of the Moment
I already mentioned SmarterChild, a utility chatbot that's available via AOL-IM. I've been using it more and more... just add SmarterChild to your buddy list, then use a command like news for the latest headline, forecast for a weather forecast, movies for local movies (for the last two, it remembers where you live once you tell it), spell someword for a spell check (or define someword for a definition, or syn someword for a thesaurus lookup), and it has other features too, foreign language translation, some games, bible, etc. It's pretty impressive, and a very fast interface.
Brunching Shuttlecocks had a funny time proving despite all of SmarterChild's utility, it makes a pretty mediocre therapist.
Actually, I'm surprised SmarterChild never seems to be warned. With all the idiots out there, you would think the warning would go way up. I'm too chicken that I'll be cut off to experiment with it.

Quote of the Moment
"A uhhh [hits desktop]... a blow, to the head, you have had such a blow?"I always thought this was a good outlook to have.
"Who hasn't...it was the pills, speed. I'll lay off the speed"
"Yah, do so, Mr. Sutcliffe...and also, do this: slow down. Take your time. Life is..long. You must not be in too much of a hurry."
Another useful quote construction from the same movie:
"You know what it is I like about Liverpool, Mr. Sutcliffe?"
"No, what is it you like about Liverpool, Mr. Lennon?"
"I was hoping you'd tell me."

Link of the Moment
Slate.com has a piece on viewing the math of the polarization of politics. Interesting stuff, especially the "Animated GIF" link... I think it was a mistake putting the House and Senate side by side, so it looks like they might be on the same graph, that was confusing. Cool anyway.
"I wish it need not have happened in my time."Saw that the other night with Mo's brother Dan. Pretty cool flick. I find this advice really comforting, especially in troubled times like this. Of course when I think back, I'm not sure if this time is as troubling as, say, World War II, not to mention stuff like the Cuban Missile Crisis.
"So do I, and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
Link of the Moment
This slate.com article suggests maybe Osama had beef with the WTC's neo-Islamic architecture. Face it pal, we're a co-opting culture; that's our strength.
Image of the Moment
![]() | Me and Toni, the tuba section at dear old Euclid High. I've always liked the weird swagger in this picture. Toni, write me some e-mail, don't just leave little cryptic things in my guestbook! |
Personal Note of the Moment
Toni, you wound me. I don't get it...do you regularly read my page, or do you have some other mysterious method of sensing when I've dropped your name? And why won't you mail me or hit me on AOL Instant Messenger? Yeesh. Anyway, at your request:

Link of the Moment
"52 things they do better in America" from a UK newspaper columnist...though I know a fair bit about modern culture in England, this includes some that I don't how they do differently in England, ("18. Thirty-year mortgages", as opposed to what?) some that I don't see why they're advantages, ("19. No amber between red and green.") and some that I don't have around my part of America... ("25. City street signs that indicate the range of house numbers between them and the next sign."...around Boston, I'm happy when the street sign labels both streets)
Quote of the Moment
Nothing is ever lost by courtesy. It is the cheapest of the pleasures; costs nothing and conveys much. It pleases him who receives, and thus, like mercy, is twice blessed.

Quote of the Moment
A man gazing at the stars is proverbially at the mercy of the puddles in the road.
Link of the Moment
Thanks to the power of the Internet, it's The Naked News. Newscasters take off their clothes as they read odd little news snippets. I find it strangely sexy, more so than a traditional strip tease, probably because it makes nakedness seem normal. (The same way I'm more easily distracted by jeans and a tanktop than by lingerie...)