2002 February❮❮prevnext❯❯

"Pink Office Park", my submission to the very cool Mirror Project.
More info about the shot on the entry page. (I also thought 'submission' was a funny word for this kind of stuff. I use it all the time on the loveblender but it seems kind of funny.)
Movie Line of the Moment
"I like your nurse's uniform, guy."John quoted that last line out of the blue the other day, and it has been rattling around my head ever since, just how the kid who speaks first is kind of trying to cover for himself. Thanks a lot John.
"These are O.R. scrubs."
"O, R they?"
Link of the Moment

Quote of the Moment
When turkeys mate, they think of swans.
Continuing through the backlog, on August 12 I grabbed this link to a salon.com piece, "Life from the terrorist point-of-view." Both sides in that area, they really know how to run a country! As time goes on, they seem to deserve each other more and more.
Video Games of a Past Moment


I like the "new" Pats logo, up there to the left, though I understand why some have called it the Flying Elvis. The classic logo below was a pretty mean lookin' fellah.

Quote of the Moment
"If I knew the meaning of life, would I be sitting in a cave in my underpants?"
USA! USA! The Fox pre-game show, with rap stars, former presidents, the patriotic and commercial mixed--the flashing FREEDOM! sign next to the BUD LIGHT sign--was quintessentially American. That is, poignant and ridiculously excessive at the same time. TMQ thought two things:I'm not sure if I buy the "one cannot defeat what one doesn't understand"--after all, we hope to defeat the terrorists without fully understanding them--but I think it's a good thought anyway.
1) The enemies of freedom hate this sort of display because they cannot understand the notion of letting people decide for themselves which part of a dream to believe.
2) Because the enemies of freedom cannot understand it, they can never defeat it.
Image of the Moment
At one point during the 1980s, American Pop Culture almost achieved critical mass in California. The resulting explosion would have destroyed the "right coast", leaving only a smoldering ruin of mediagenic debris. A picture of that event can is displayed below:

From the July backlog...the four videos linked at the very bottom of the danger.com about page are really funny. They used to load randomly with reloads of the danger.com frontpage. I think the third one's the best, you might want to save that one for last.
Book Recommendation of the Moment

Evil Joke of the Moment
Q.: What's worse than biting into an apple and finding a worm?
A.: Crib death.
Drolly Funny Trivia of the Moment
Before the falling-Pinto scene could be filmed, the filmmakers had to get certification from the Federal Aviation Administration for the Pinto. This was done by conducting preliminary drop tests to ensure that it would not behave as an airfoil and drift from its target line when dropped from a great height.That's a pretty cool mental image, actually.
Line of the Moment
Peter Marshall: What are "dual-purpose cattle" good for that other cattle aren't?
Paul Lynde: They give milk... and cookies, but I don't recommend the cookies.
Link of the Moment
Now this is funny: Brunching Shuttlecocks Rates The Powertools.
Personal Rumors of the Moment
So I think my job might be in trouble. Despite the fact that my company made 97% of its projections last year (despite the WTC tragedy), and that the Boston office has a huge amount of knowledge about our legacy systems, rumor has it that the home office in the midwest has been looking for a justification to shut this (admittedly somewhat expensive) location down and may have sought out-placing "consultants" who will give them just that, leading to either a relocation to India (clearly suicidal, I think) or back to the midwest (just mostly suicidal).

Geek Quote of the Moment
"If people do not believe that mathematics is simple, it is only because they do not realize how complicated life is."via this page, which also has a quote I've enjoyed for a long time:
"Anyone who considers arithmetical methods of producing random numbers is, of course, in a state of sin."
Link of the Moment
Slate.com had an informative Flash piece, The Enron Blame Game. Very well done, though I wish there was a way to see a bunch of blame arrows at once.
O trumpetman, unswallowed song
your yellow-down bluesound dogface to confound,
sing sweet what you knew aloud,
sing your very funeral shroud-
the death of you, you know?
Known to now.
O saxman written on your reed
history shades of black and awhile,
purr the pregnant, poignant prose and call me home.
purple-rich tone at home and roam
you're ash in the kingdom
rubbed to sooth word-struck wounds
O drummerman solid boatsman mighty armed
steadfast slip over cymbal stream and
scythe in your hand, you can.
back bone of a notion
spine of the time
fertile ground for the sound.
Breathe as the trumpetman breathes.
Blow as the saxman blows.
Beat as the drummerman beats.
--A poem I wrote in college, I should look up the season. I think the instructor (Peter Richards) thought it was about the best that I produced that semester, but to me it seems a bit contrived. The discrepancy between other people's idea of which poems of mine were best and my own is one of the reason I consider myself mostly a prose guy.
Incidentally, I found a stash of old papers and things I had saved, so there will probably a bit more of the selfindulgent navel-gazing on this site for a while. I'll try to keep it lively.
Quote of the Moment
If you could understand it, it wouldn't be poetry.

"I've seen pornos that show less."--Feb 9 2002
Quote of the Moment
"I want you in the worst way...
...which is standing up in a hammock."
Links of the Moment
I was requested by some guy to link to his site Toast In A Can. I would've ignored the request, since I'm not a big link exchanger, but I wanted to contrast this Hillary Clinton bashing picture that I found on the site, which plays on her reputation as an unlikable witch, with this New York Times article that says even the Republican senators find her quite likable in person. Yay Liberals.
(Man, I have a real love/hate relationship with the gallows humor right before and after a layoff. On the one hand, it sucks to be in a situation like that. On the other hand, it can be really funny, and help a lot.)

Backlog of the Moment
"Decay is inherent in all compound things. Work out your salvation with diligence."I had seen these before, but also in the article The true Buddhist. It touches on a lot of interesting topics, from how we tend to judge our own prosperity strictly in relative and not absolute terms, to the idea of a sense of self being an artificial construct.
Link of the Moment
An interesting piece on how Deaf People in the U.K. are really taking to cellphone-based text messaging. Too bad systems over here are more primitive and less universal. (via Camworld)
We have two options:I wrangled the lines just a bit to rhyme, but I really like the playfulness inherent in these lines. And then we found poetry...
(a) hide under the bed (b) run and scream in fear
the a turned into an angel, and the b into a mug of beer
Link of the Moment
Take a look at this guy's cover letter page. As Portal of Evil put it, "He may have all kinds of computer experience, but he lacks a certain something when it comes to putting together a resume that does not make your head explode." I think he must've formed his sense of visual design from NASCAR.
Oh yeah, speaking of all things résumé-ish...I'll be out of work in 2 months... time to take this weak job market head on.
Valentines of the Moment
![]() |
--From The Onion's Valentine's Day Kids Page...I love these, though they don't change much from year to year. |
Quote of the Moment
People who don't let themselves get talked into something new every once in a while have dull, dull, dull sex lives.

Quote of the Moment
Just before someone gets nervous, do they experience cocoons in their stomach?
Making the rounds is this amusing riverside sequence of images of a boat that finds a new way to get past a bridge. (That link is a mirror (thanks david), the original is supposedly here but it never works.)
Funny of the Moment
The story went that the whole effing family went over to Greece and there were several effing days of feasting and effing celebration. On the last day, the narrator's effing sixteen year old sister went effing missing, so they looked all effing over for her. The effing party was still going on in an effing big hall, and when every-effing-body was there, they noticed effing movement behind the effing curtains. The effing curtains were drawn back to see his effing sister with her effing knickers round her ankles and the efffing priest cousin and they were, and I quote, "You know,... doing it!"
This has to be one of the cleverest Flash-based Intro Pages I've ever seen. Some interesting little flash things if you follow the pages it links to as well. (via Bill the Splut)
Quote of the Moment
"What's worth succeeding in is worth failing in."
Net Meme of a Previous Moment

This Wired.com piece on Why surfing is like smelling, that we forage for information like other animals forage for food, caught my imagination back in August. (via camworld)
Interesting to compare its main point to this quote from the KHftCEA, "When I'm clicking through the hundreds of E-mail messages that await me each morning, sometimes I imagine I'm a mighty information whale, sifting through thousands of tiny (but nutritious!) krill bits. Yum!"
Idea of the Moment

I've been thinking a bit about Cockney Rhyming Slang, where the speaker substitutes some common word with a word or phrase that rhymes with it, like "he hit him right in his Chevy Chase" instead of "right in his face". You can hear a bit of it in Guy Ritchie's movies, Snatch and Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels. I found a pretty interesting English/Cockney Rhyming Slang glossary. (click on "View Dictionary") It's interesting trying to see which ones are just rhymes and which ones might have another layer of meaning.
Reminds me of my old boss who would sometimes say farewell with "esca-lator". Later I realized a lot of phrases would fit that pattern: "mashed-p'tater", "some ice skater", "that Ralph Nader", etc etc.
Dialog of the Moment
"They're armed."
"Armed, armed with what?"
"Err, bad breath, colorful language, feather duster... what do you think they're gonna be armed with? Guns, you tit!"
Links of the Cold War Moment
Slashdot had a reference to a story on the CIA showcasing some spy gadgets at Reagan Presidential Library. They have an even more interesting online museum (love the minicameras and the tire spikes). Not to be completely out in the cold war, the NSA also has a online exhibit of cryptography stuff.
Quick Link of the Moment
Wow, it's the power of what you don't show in an image that sometimes makes all the difference in a visual presentation. (Thanks John.)
I'm not a security threat: I'm CanadianThe worker is writing this Really Interesting Weblog on his experiences. (via Ranjit)
Nostalgia of the Moment

Mystery of the Moment

MonkeyCube points out that McDonald's is downplaying the overweight Grimace from its current campaigns. And I'm trying to figure out when they rewrote Hamburglar as this little evil guy into this cabbage patch lookin' jerk who says "rubble rubble" clearly and cutely rather than kind of grumbling
I was hoping to find something clever on the possible connection between Grimace and Barney, but this old Space Moose Cartoon was all I could find.
Jeez, I hope I find a job soon.
Link to Avoid of the Moment
It's all the Internet themed cartoons from the little known South Asian country Unfunnystan! Truly awful, but you gotta give 'em points for tryi...well, maybe you don't. (via Portal of Evil)
Baked Stuffed Chicken--great recipe 6-7 lb. chicken, 1 cup melted butter, 1 cup stuffing, 1 cup uncooked popcorn, salt/pepper to taste; Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush chicken well with melted butter, salt and pepper. Fill cavity with stuffing and popcorn. Place in baking pan in the oven. Listen for popping sounds. When the chicken's ass blows out the oven door and flies across the room, the chicken is done. ......And, you thought I couldn't cook.
Link of the Moment
Kind of funny but not hilarious, it's the Freak Watcher's Textbook, a guide to the various freaks of Royal Oak, Michigan.
Open Photo Gallery



route 128

land of layoffs
This is one of the coolest online clocks I've seen, though it's a bit too busy too use regularly. (humanclock is pretty cool as well.) (via Bill the Splut)
Cartoon of the Moment

1) How long did the Hundred Years War last?
116 years
2) Which country makes Panama hats?
3) From which animal do we get cat gut?
Sheep and Horses
4) In which month do Russians celebrate the October Revolution?
5) What is a camel's hair brush made of?
Squirrel fur
6) The Canary Islands in the Pacific are named after what animal?
7) What was King George VI's first name?
8) What color is a purple finch?
9) Where are Chinese gooseberries from?
New Zealand
--from The Comics I Don't Understand "last week" page.
Methinks They Do Protest Too Much

Quote of the Moment
Boy, life takes a long time to live.
Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a great battle.News of the Moment
Clearly, 20-somethings are not drinking enough.. Since this story came out, I've heard the figure is more like 11% then 25%, but hey. Clearly 21 is the perfect sacred number for a drinking age...jeez. Now that I'm safely on this side of the number, it still seems stupid that a guy could be drafted but still isn't considered responsible enough to have a beer.
Brave New World of the Moment
More on the booze-and-sex front: Consent Condoms. Your lips say "no no", but your eyes say "yes yes", along with your careful tearing of the date, month, and year on the specially laminated-to-preserve-fingerprints condom packet. (via Cruel Site of the Day)

The Wonder of the Internet
Here's a Fetish that I wouldn't've known existed if it weren't for the Internet. (PG-rated link, for the most part.) They seem really into women with headphones on. That's it.