all about the money


three poems on rocks and stones

A rock sat in the woods, thinking,
for many years, of many things.
Realized God and His plan
How to perfect life for plant and man
but it was a rock, and rocks can't speak
so it had to keep it to itself
Kirk Israel (A poem I wrote in high school)
Although I put it sophomorically, I think this really reflects a conflict I felt then (and still feel to this day) where we live in our own objective heads, but only shared reality matters. (The awareness of that tension may have sprung from my sometimes frantic youthful concern of keeping myself right in the God's Eye View of things, lest I end up burning in hell.)

Later in life I ran into this poem:
Don't knock a stone: don't say things like "stone dead."
A stone always knows what it's about.
It holds itself together better than you do,
better than I do. A stone is comfortable
with its battery of cunning smithereens
milling around, bouncing off one another
exactly right in their tight little compound.

Any old stone--you think it can't talk?
Dumb old stone? Ho! Every atom in it talks,
every part of every atom talks. Just listen.

Trust your eyes and ears to recognize your
grandmother. A stone doesn't need eyes and
ears to know what's coming down the pike.

A stone knows what it wants, and gets it,
pressing up tight against the fluffy surrounds,
all that space made of the same stuff as the stone stuff.
Don't knock a stone: it'll show you up,
put you down, cover you up, forget you.
Paul Lawson, "Any Old Stone"
I think that is an interesting partial refutation to what I wrote in high school. And kind of splitting the difference is a poem I found in between:
I was talking to a rock
and I said, "Stone"-
I talk to them like that-I said,
"what makes people feel extraneous?"

To which the rock in its own idiom
replied, "Extraneous's ass!
You think you got it bad.
Try igneous extrusion.
Try a little freeze and thaw.
Try glaciation.
Stand out in the weather for ten thousand years.
We'll talk extraneous."

One thing about rocks:
they cut you half an inch of slack
but never. That's why guys like me
idealize them. I said, "Sage"-
I laid it on a little thick,
this rock I'm talking to,
it's not much bigger than a Chiclet,
but I don't want to give offense-
so I said, "Sage, what
should the human species do?"

To which the rock said nothing,
but he got that look. You know:
they're thinking to themselves,
"Drop dead."
Brooks Haxton, "Dialogue of Soul & Stone"

r u sirius?


What is a bit sad is that it's obvious for Elon Musk's entire career that he's desperately trying to align himself with whatever large group of people on the internet seem to like him at any given moment. The seamless transition from Reddit-user Epic Science liberal to vaguely-libertarian crypto booster to Own The Libs conservative has coincided perfectly with the shifting positive feelings that each of those groups has towards him. He's just lonely. Of course if I were him my loneliness might lead me to try and help raise any of my 10 children rather than posting boomer memes

Context is Strawberries.
Bas-Jan Walewijk

TIL: Transroosters are absolutely a thing.

lady jae was kinda hot

Watched the infamous Fensler Films GI Joe PSA remakes with Melissa the other day:

(Warning, the humor is a little surreal and also doesn't shy from rolling further with the vague racism of the original cartoons.)

A while back I mentioned how my answer to a meme about childhood cartoons and things we... well, noticed... involved a short-haired cat cheerleader in a Heathcliff cartoon. Not that I'm anything of a furry, it's just that even then I could recognize having a preference for something tomboy-ish to anything performatively femmy-femme.

Watching the Fensler Films, I remembered how much my pre-adolescent attention was taken by Lady Jaye:

Like, compared to the other token female on the GI Joe, Scarlett, it was no contest:

Not that either of them were particularly well-represented by their action figure box art - but ah those innocent days when just a daringly lowered zipper and some cleavage on toy packaging was of significant interest...

That kind of butch look has always had an appeal for me - clearly not the sole focus of what kind of femininity I am attracted to, but still something I dig.

Maybe I can owe it to The Salvation Army? I mean we were all, boys and girls and men and women alike dressed up in its oddly paramilitary way. (And both of my parents wore the same uniform, did the same kind of role, and even had similar hair lengths.) I mean that's just a guess, it's never 100% clear what forms our interests and leanings in those young days of figuring the world out, and our place in it.

And so classic femme and girlish stuff never held an appeal, and always seemed less cool than the stuff boys and tomboys were up to. I think too I may have developed an unfortunate association with femme as... I dunno, weak? Like demanding attention and protection and being generally distracting from the more interesting stuff in life. (Again, that's not a mature or complete view, but it's something I can at least recognize as a theme that I was imprinted with.)

I mean it probably also influences my support of Trans-rights. For me gender just isn't ALL that interesting, I can just surf on male privilege, and a general non-swaggering masculinity is comfortable for me from some mix of nature and nurture... and if someone's soulsearching tells them what they are means there's a mismatch in body and spirit, who am I or anyone to tell they're wrong? What kind of prescriptivist chutzpah would it take to say you know that person is just wrong, because they disagree with what most people have told you how things should be...
Kind of chuffed about my new toolkit for making a fullscreen viewer for my blog's image galleries.

playing it straight

"I'm curious: who would you say is the smartest straight, white man you know?"

"[Long pause.] If I could decide who it was, I would never tell you. Because the other straight white men I know--all of whom think they're geniuses--would be very insulted."

favorite music of the 2010s: energy

Decide to post my favorite music that I discovered over the last decade, and realized I would be better served by dividing it into "energy" (generally, more verb movement) and "vibe" (generally, more mellowness in a noun kind of way, if that makes any sense to anyone but me)

2010: F**k You - Cee Lo Green:

(I love the lyric video that I first saw more than the one they finally got to)

Runner-up: Back To Me - Kathleen Edwards

2011: Might Like You Better - Amanda Blank:

Runner-up: Satellite - Lena Meyer-Landrut

2012: Golddust - DJ Fresh

Man, this is one of my favorite videos of all time.

2012 All The Rowboats - Regina Spektor
2012 1 Thing - Amerie

2013: So Fast, So Maybe - K. Flay

Runner-up: Werkin' Girls - Angel Haze

2014: Safe and Sound - Capital Cities

Graciously - Chandler Travis Philharmonic
Tightrope (Wondamix) - Janelle Monáe

2015: Feel Right - Mark Ronson

Runner-up: Trouble - Iggy Azalea

2016: Black or White - Dick Brave and the Backbeats

2017 Immigrants (We Get The Job Done) - The Hamilton Mixtape

2018: All This Money - Injury Reserve

Love You So - Bleu
Touch It- Busta Rhymes
Faith - Ariana Grande / Stevie Wonder

2019: Think (About It) - Lyn Collins

Do you remember the movie "Space Balls" when Mel Brooks' character denies selling the planet's atmosphere, then takes a big huff from a can labeled "Perri-air Salt Free Air"? Supposedly $700 Air Filters "raise a class's test scores by as much as cutting class size by a third." Add that to the idea that maybe Rising CO2 levels might (or might not) be linked to rising obesity levels- even in lab animals on controlled diets... and I really wonder if I should be thinking about better air filters at home. (And then my dentist expressing concern that a relative small sinus cavity might make be prone to snoring, and then how that means my body would is less oxygenated than it should be...) .

Hmmm! None of the science is super-definite on this but it is really getting me thinking.


Backing a tanker truck up to my house and pumping 80,000 litres of custard into the loungeroom because it sparks joy
that was in response to @figgled's
Start of cleaning: I am a calm minimalist earth goddess
10 minutes later: Marie Kondo can suck my left titty I love my numerous towers of dusty junk that have given me depression

TIL: my 20-something coworkers are unfamiliar with the phrase "jumped the shark". How old am I? That's like a... 90s reference, right? (though to a 70s show, but I knew "jump the shark" before I knew it was a Happy Days reference...)
All these random things with USB charging cables are coasting on a decade of smartphone upgrades leaving the little "wall outlet power to USB" cubes behind

marching on


By Jen Sorensen. It reminds me of a term Dave Chappelle uses: "Tiki-Torch Whites". I think that term captures what Hillary Clinton was meaning with her disastrous term "deplorables", but it's less likely to be misinterpreted...
Trump doesn't know or has forgotten half the words to the National Anthem. He seems to do the "bombs bursting in air" pretty well (of course) and the big finish, but for the rest he reminds me of my friend EB trying to sing along to a Beastie Boy song he only sorta knows. (The trick I use there is to do what the Beastie Boys do and just shout-reinforce the final, rhyming word of the line)
Dunkies Dumbing Down their menu. Already missing the flatbread. But the steak and egg stuff seemed really hit or miss already, in terms of availability...
Retronauts Podcast New Years Special covering '78, '88, '98, '08. It reminded me that classic Space Invaders had a "destructible environment" that's still a big feature these days - in fact, blasting through your base to make a little gunport was a big strategy. I guess that's the power of 2D gaming...
At work we have a Slack channel "#stupid-idea-buddies" where people propose ideas and no negativity is allowed. (I know some other workplaces have followed our lead - I'd recommend it for any office using shared chatrooms) Here's my latest:
#1593 Make years start on March 1. This will have 3 big advantages:
1. meteorological seasons now line up year - starting with March/April/May spring, June/July/August summer, the school year starts with Sep/Oct/Nov Fall, and then Dec/Jan/Feb Winter
2. September and October now fall on their appropriate Latin numbers (7 and 8)
3. NFL season is no longer this weird ambiguity springing from regular seasons and playoffs of one "season" being in different years
I hate the word "sanguine"

happy birthday iphone

Happy Birthday iPhone!

rhubarb custard is the best

[On San Francisco's Filing-for-Bankruptcy "Yellow Cab"] Denial still at work in the taxi business, even as its wheels are starting to come off. The 'best color scheme there is in the world' is only of value in a world where the best way to catch a ride is to stand on the curb with your eyes peeled until an empty one happens by.
The Uber/Lyft model of cars just being around, driving aimlessly 'til needed, always seemed weird to me, but that quote reminds me of the precedent with regular taxis - the difference being I didn't expect to be able to hail a cab outside of select cities, and I haven't got a feel for typical wait times outside the next tier down of urban space.
on "How Apple is Giving Design a Bad Name" A collaborator posted an article that was making the rounds a month or two ago, and I over did my UX/UI response...
Just listened to a few moments of his song "sad" - saving the rest for later, I was laughing...

Oh man- why don't we have rhubarb and custard candies in this country? seriously I would have our nation apply for re-colonization if we could get rhubarb and custard candies here... this Mark and Spencer's batch brought to me by my friends Sam and Jamie...

at what cost?

Hey Baby - are you regrets? Because I wanna hold on to you and never let go.

saying 'but at what cost' instead of 'in bed' after fortune cookies is going to stay funny for a while.


You are what you love, not what loves you.

I didn't learn how to shave from my father either. Which turns out, I think, not to be so strange. One of the the things about manhood I learned from my father is that it's a solitary experience, a land of silences and understatements, a place where a lot of important things have to be learned alone. Whereas womanhood, a lot of the time, is a thing you get to share.
Jennifer Finney Boylan, from "Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders"

But then, this is one of the fundamental contradictions of parenthood-- the unending necessity to teach you children lessons that you yourself still have not learned.
Jennifer Finney Boylan, from "Stuck in the Middle with You: A Memoir of Parenting in Three Genders" On my devblog, a little ramble about smartwatches, now that I have a Pebble. Trying to decide if I really like that it just does a few things well, or if I'm just saying that...

the belly button

Tame it though we may try, sex has a recurring tendency to wreak havoc across our lives: it leads us to destroy our relationships, threatens our productivity and compels us to stay up too late in nightclubs taking to people whom we don't like but whose exposed midriffs we nevertheless strongly wish to touch.
Alain de Botton, "How to Think More About Sex"

Recursion is an act of faith.

The making of the Blues Brothers. Such an influence on my high school musician self.

the joy of geekness


--from Geeks Vs Non-Geeks via Masukomi the other night. -- another reason to distrust this batch of the GOP, they can't tell a damn joke. (Optimism my ass, Romney, be funny)
He who begins by loving Christianity better than truth, will proceed by loving his own sect or Church better than Christianity, and end in loving himself better than all.
Samuel Taylor Coleridge

Horse-and-sparrow economics: if you feed enough oats the horse, some will pass through to feed the sparrows.
J.K. Galbraith on trickle-down economics

When the weather is damp / I still walk with a lamp.

With my terrible sore throat my guffaw laugh sounds kind of like "Muttley", a little more sibilant --
"He's in a coma-- they don't think he'll wake up--"
"Have they tried-- oh no, they probably have..."
Special Finale of "Pulling"
SO FUNNY-- maybe it was the delivery, or how much we've seen of the characters, but I laughed and laughed and laughed....


#html5jam -sad lessons learned: processing.js can't do inheritance, collections, good framerates (except for chrome), or good error messages
#html5jam happy lesson learned: for CW rotation of square size "s", stuff at new (x,y) comes from (y,s-x-1) CCW: (s-y-1,x) Mirror:(s-x-1,y)
#html5jam happy lessons learned "chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files" lets chrome ajax open local files.


Last week I saw a commercial that reminded me... I always kind of wanted to see a Monster Truck rally thing. It is a testament to Amber that she was willing to go along. (Actually she ended up kind of liking it as well.)

It was a small arena as these things go... so it was LOUD. People who knew what they were doing were packing earplugs. (It was a small arena, though also not such a packed house, not sure if today's show will have better attendance.)

Don't worry about avoiding temptation--as you grow older, it starts avoiding you.

Sucking it up and reading the damn XSL book. Man, structured data wonks are such lousy salesmen, it makes me argumentative and wanting to point out the straw men.
Mostly, it's the ivory tower negatavism about pragmatic technologies; I hate screeds that ignore positives or influencing factors of things they don't like.
All these tax prep software sellers "FREE! (Federal Edition)" - talk about giving away the razors (except for maybe those 8 states w/o tax)

new loveblender is here

a very selective history of gaming


--Patent application sketches for Monopoly, the canonical Atari Joystick, and the Nintendo "Robotic Operating Buddy", my favorites from Patentmania: The Golden Age of Electronic Games. I love how R.O.B. looks like one of those classic Wall Street Journal HeadCut sketches.

Bago's impending impeachment trial - deserved - reminds me of the dumbness of and rage against the Republican impeachment of Clinton.
Thought I just heard NPR reporting on the UN calling for a Gaza ceasefire to be "adorable" (was "a durable")
I really want a season of 24 that's Jack sleeping, hitting the gym, b'fast, commuting, surf the web a bit, attend a meeting, etc
That Palm Pre phone looks promising... but you know, as typo prone as a virtual keyboard is (tho iPhone corrects for that) it is really fast
Noting more trouble thinking "outside the box" of my own mental models - Aging? Too much artificial sweetner? Just more aware of issue?
Firetruck crashed a few streets down this afternoon, fireman killed, 7 injured - map:

there is no god and murphy is his prophet

I was somewhat aware of the application of Murphy's Principles that states:
the best way to find a missing pair of glasses is to go ahead and purchase the replacements.
But I'm a little disconcerted how thoroughly I've been applying this late as of late, a few months ago with my regular glasses, and then just yesterday with my sunglasses.

Oh well. The new sunglass frames I picked out (or rather, the Eye Q custom frames that proprietor David looked up as I walked in and said 'Those' -- good advice spoken authoritatively, that's exactly what I need in matters of fashion) are pretty rockin', a nice break from the classic Blues Brothers-wannabe black plastic look that I tend to stick with but probably isn't the best for my face.

Mystery of the Moment
--Charming Mystery of the story behind an idiosyncratic cartoon face drawn by this guy's father.

Exchange of the Moment
"[Sobbing] This is the worst day of my life!"
"--The worst day of your life so far..."
Bart and Homer Simpson, The Simpsons Movie

i met my old office on the street last night

So I agreed to come in to my old job for a teleconference with a client I had been the primary contact for. I want to keep relations friendly with them, but I have to admit, I've got mixed feelings about doing so. There are some parallels with a broken-up romance, actually: the affair is over, at some point you'll soon you'll be in the market for a new partner, is it worth just fooling around for old times sake?

Site of the Moment

--from Indexed, a collection of venn diagram and other chart-based gags, all on scanned-in index cards. Some of them are a bit too snarky/sophomoric, but others are right on. I guess part of the charm is that they make you work for a bit to figure out "ok, what does this mean?" and then reward that effort with the punchline. (thanks Mr.Ibis)

Quote of the Moment
"If people never did silly things, nothing intelligent would ever get done."
Ludwig Wittgenstein

no grounds for divorce

Speaking of coffee ground (well, I was a few days ago anyway)...I keep thinking back to this weird 50s ad for a (presumably grounds-free) coffeemaker pitched at housewives...the big bold headline was "NO GROUNDS FOR DIVORCE!" and it still sticks in my head to this day as a particularly gruesome bit of threatening misogyny. "C'mon ladies...make that cofee RIGHT so he doesn't dump your sorry ass!"

Quote of the Moment
There aren't evil guys and innocent guys. It's just... It's just... It's just a bunch of guys.
Steve Arlo in "Zero Effect".
I first saw it paraphrased as "You realize... there aren't any 'good guys' and 'bad guys'... there are just... just a bunch of guys?" which reads a bit better.

It's about shades of grey in videogames (I hear you see a lot of that in "Shadow Of The Colossus"...) Also, it kind of makes you wonder, if AI gets really detailed. and you start getting AIs that have learned from their environment past experience, so you can't just clone an exact karmic duplicate...will it ever be enough to give the moral gamer pause, not because of the "real world" victim it represents, but because of what it is by itself?

Dirty Rotten Spammers of the Moment
Sigh, the bastards are still at it, trying to fill up the old comments on this site with tons of retarded SPAM links...luckily the fairly simplistic filters I made still work pretty well...there were some posts that might have been "testing the waters" and didn't have links and then it's only comments with links that need any scrutiny. I've had to add
online slot
betting site
to the list of words that are considered SPAM if the post includes a link, and then
Just to say hellow!
Nice blog!
Realy good site!
Thank you for the info!
Thank you very much!
Very interesting blog!
Very nice blog.
Your site is realy very interesting.
are the forbidden phrases..forbidden if they're the only content of the post.

The Spammers are grabbing text from somewhere to look less suspicious to a script...sometimes with amusing results:
the destruction of all out natural resources We can already see the caisno somewhat curious They ignored him He reached the cafe and went .
--Allan Jaleel
First safety released! betting site away The buttons at the top of her dress were undone and her bra was .
--Khalil Irving
W00T, hot stuff.


Link of the Moment
"Epic Trance is the gateway genre into the world of rave for most people, so if you have any form of music to blame for raves hitting the mainstream, this is it. Right here. And that, my friends, really, truly, terribly sucks. There must be a word to describe the pain one feels when witnessing (or hearing, rather) something once pure and brilliant completely sold down the river."
...snarky commentary on the many genres of electronica along with samples so you really get an idea of what he's talking about. (Thanks Sawers)

Computer Fix of the Moment
Boring Geek Stuff Follows, here for my future reference, and maybe some will find it useful.

Many thinks to LAN3 yesterday...not only did he give me 2 out of 3 of my kisrael entries, he also gave me some handholding as I tried to struggle through some problems with my PC.

The problem was my computer was logging me out as soon as I logged in. LAN3 pointed me to Reponse 20 on this message board (though Response 22 was amusing for its staggering semi-literacy.) I couldn't login on the Recovery Console like it suggested, I think because I never changed the Administrator password from blank. So I tried to use the Petter Nordahl-Hagen's linux set up mentioned here, but I think the blank password stymied it too. (LAN3 suggested I use DVDdecrypter to burn the .iso images to CD, and it worked very well.) After that, I tried system-down linux, the idea being get just enough going to grab the files I didn't have backed up on my laptop already and then reinstall Windows. System-down seemed promising, but it had no documentation and I had no idea what password to use or where the harddrive was setup. Finally, Usenet was my salvation..."Enkidu" suggested I skip the Linux route and use Bart's PE bootable Windows-- that worked great. I was able to boot into it then make the drives viewable to my laptop over the network, and copy what I need before I do a reinstall of Windows on that machine.

Lessons learned: don't leave Windows passwords blank, be grateful for friends like LAN3, and have a BartPE boot CD handy. Oh, and being able to have a backup laptop or PC is very, very useful.

catch-22 skidoo!

At the risk of stating what every blogger in this part of the country is going to say: IT IS SO DAMN COLD OUTSIDE. Jimminy crickets, I can almost feel the atoms in my exposed bits slowing to a standstill.

Catch-22 of the Moment
Can a spouse successfully prevent a court from granting a divorce?
One spouse cannot stop a no fault divorce. Objecting to the other spouse's request for divorce is itself an irreconcilable difference that would justify the divorce.
It's a battle you've already lost anyway, but never have I seen such a real life textbook case of a legal Catch-22. It is in its own way beautiful.

Quick Link of the Moment
This is your charcoal drawing. This is your charcoal drawing on drugs. Any questions?

Less Quick Link of the Moment
Wired has a piece on the click heard around the world, a 1968 demonstration of technologies that wouldn't appear on home computers for over 10 years: hyperlinks, the mouse, video conferencing, real-time document editing, etc.

I really think Wired is still one of the most consistently interesting magazines out they put most of their content online a few weeks after the print edition.

Toy of the Moment
Brunching Shuttlecock's old Cyborg Name Generator is now at its own URL. The algorithm for making up names is really clever, fun to play with and see how good it is at stringing the words together. Plus, Lore linked it up so you can get custom cafepress T-shirts and the like. I got one for Mo for Christmas...cafepress claims to have changed its printing method, so hopefully the shirt imprint will prove more durable than on the old ones.

backlog flush #13

I've been a little link-light lately, so I thought I'd do the first backlog flush of the year (which brings us to early August of last year).

jumbo rides again. alas.

Shockwave Game of the Moment
That elephant to the left is Jumbo. Not only is he the mascot of my alma mater, he's also the star of just about the most poorly conceived Flash game I've ever seen: Starship Jumbo. The animation is well nigh non-existent, and the "Please note: Holding the CTRL/COMMAND key down for continuous fire will cause the game to malfunction." doesn't bode well either. (Incidentally, PT Barnum was a trustee of Tufts, which is why his famous elephant is the mascot. He promised his remains to both Tufts and the American Museum of Natural History...they got the skeleton, we got the skin, but it was turned into ashes during a fire in the 1970s. More of the story here.)

Essay of the Moment
Essay on geek slacking and buzzword compliance as a weapon: Fire and Motion. Mentions an idea I've felt myself, but rarely hear admitted to: for many tech workers, a day that's really productive may only consist of a few hours of dedicated work. There's a huge slack factor, and I can really identify with the sense of productivity inertia he talks about. Like Monday night, when I worked from 6pm 'til 1am, really without much of a break. And like others day, where it' a struggle to get anything done.

Quote of the Moment
But even Einstein took five years to tie his shoelaces.
Steve Grand on the relatively slow progress of AI and A-Life, from the Salon Interview.

a diet for the ages

(1 comment)
Since so many of you have written to ask me what my secret to weight loss is (yeah right... if I had a nickel for every one who reads this page, I could probably buy a stamp or two) I decided to share with you all:

Kirk's No Frills Mad-Cow-Free Diet
Breakfast: Have some OJ before work. Then buy a large Dunkin' Donuts iced coffee with milk and sugar. Yes, Iced Coffee, even though it's dead winter. This is a huge honkin' thing of coffee. Not only is it tasty, but it puts your stomach on edge so you're less hungry and can postpone lunch. Get cream if you're feeling luxurious, skip the sugar if you're feeling masochistic or really don't want to eat for a while.
Lunch: Actually, the trick is to make this a very late lunch, like 1 or 2 or even 3. (More of a "linner". Or "dunch". "Lupper"? I dunno.) Anyway, Au Bon Pain has a good hearty salad. Plus, they have really good English Toffee cookies. Of which you may have one, heck, you're not a monk. Or if you're in the neighborhood, get a Grande Burrito from Boca Grande. Preferably Vegetarian, but my old favorite was the Lemon Chicken. Get some sour cream on that, otherwise it's too dry.
Evening: Not much. If you're hungry for something bulky, have one or two frosted shredded miniwheats dry. If you're craving something sweet, have a medium spoonful of Ben + Jerry's Low-Fat Cherry Garcia Frozen Yogurt.
General: Drink a lot of water. Between half a gallon and a full gallon. (2 1/2 to 5 of Kirk's Work Water Cup.) This will also give you a bit of exercise if the water bubbler or restroom is far away from your desk.
Exercise: Stairmaster 25-35 minutes on a medium setting every day. Well, not every every day, you don't have to be a fascist about it, but most days.

Simple, huh? Not sure how nutritionally sound it is in the long run. I'm a bit of a nutrition moron. So I don't recommend this for everyone. Maybe not even myself.

Quote of the Moment: wrote:
>Well, one can technically say that "genetically"
>we're very similar to chimps. It depends on what
>your frame of reference is...

"Genetically" we are nearly identical to fruit flies.
On the other hand, as a species we write better string quartets. in (via

"He who fights and runs away lives to fight another day- but that's not why *I* ran away."
Binaca was more fun than altoids. Possibly less social however.