2018 October❮❮prevnext❯❯
This is what I wrote in the comments:
I think also of the "reset switch" or whatever it is, on Star Trek and other serialized shows, where they'd have a "bible" and could get many talented writers in on the fun without burdening them too much with needing a deep knowledge of what went on before.Funny to see that parallel. Also makes me think of "Age of Ultron" where The Vision replies to Ultorn's "[humans] are doomed!" with "Yes... but a thing isn't beautiful because it lasts."
To wax philosophical (and to quote myself, which is probably gauche): In my "So You're Going to Die" comic, I say "As creatures who live only a few levels beyond our instincts, we like things to be consistent. Stasis may be boring, but predictability is safer than chaos. And we want to extend that desire for predictability for as long as we can imagine, which is forever."
I feel like this is what's going on with these shows. It's funny, because it's such the opposite of the "character arc" that is thought to make good literature. (Though in real life, I'm a much bigger fan of "show me an interesting idea every week" than worrying about or even believing in meaningful qualitative personal growth - probably to my detriment)
That's a lesson I'm not sure if I'll ever take in. It's hard to see change and growth as not being a refutation.
Corroboration and plenty of it.
Melissa and I watched Touch of Evil last night. It's sometimes a little hard to follow, and bits come across as racist, but it's also exploring the racism of the time, and a lot of the film's message about accountability and the power of white men in USA culture are especially timely.
One great exchange, emphasis mine:
Quinlan: Our friend Vargas has some very special ideas about police procedure. He seems to think it don't matter whether killers hang or not, so long as we obey the fine print.
Vargas: Captain, I don't think a policeman should work like a dog catcher in putting criminals behind bars. No! In any free country, a policeman is supposed to enforce the law, and the law protects the guilty as well as the innocent.
Quinlan: Our job is tough enough.
Vargas: It's supposed to be. It has to be tough. A policeman's job is only easy in a police state. That's the whole point, Captain - who's the boss, the cop or the law?
A good pun is in the oy of the beholder.
"'They need freedom, but they also need protection,' Skaife says of his ravens, as a soldier would speak of the British people."Interesting thought. Paternalistic as heck, obviously, and I think about what some of my more liberal friends would think of it. "Your freedom to swing your arm ends where my nose begins" is the fundamental challenge in free societies. There's always that contradiction that for freedom to work everyone has to submit to the overarching system of rules for it to not become a seething bed of endless injustic. Either intrinsically and voluntarily, because they recognize it as the superior way for a society to be, or becaause of some measure of enforcement - and either extreme is fraught with the potential for abuse.
(Kind of like how you can't have a society that is both purely free and a meritocracy, because of the natural instinct of humans to favor their own progeny.)
Hah, I was thinking "huh, this book sounds a bit like 'H is for Hawk'" and I realized the author of that book is Helen Macdonald, the author of that review.
- Froggy's Lament (Buckner & Garcia) - a remade track from a childhood LP, now I'm sort of obsessed with the Froggy the Gremlin connection.
- Sympathy for the Devil (Motörhead) On some truck commercial, I like the "weathered old man" sound of Lemmy on this.
- Gotta Boogie ("Weird Al" Yankovic) From his first album, so a tape that I listened to again and again as a kid.
- Got To Give It Up, Pt. 1 (Marvin Gaye) From the "Boogie Nights" sound track, like the "party in the background" sound.
- So Human (Original Version) (Lady Sovereign) Hard to find online, UK hiphop with an interesting cover of The Cure's "Close to Me"
- My Chick Bad (Ludacris) Catchy hiphop.
- All I Can Think About Is You (Coldplay) Cheesy to like this?
- I Know You Got Soul (Live At The Apollo Theater/1972) (Bobby Byrd) Awesome soul.
- 100 Bad [Explicit] (Tommy Genesis) Kind of sexy hiphop.
- MIC Drop (feat. Desiigner) [Steve Aoki Remix] (BTS) Pep band is covering this, oddly - the "Arrangers Publisher Company" describes the style as "Oriental Hip Hop", kids in the band were like... can they say that?
- Down by the Water (PJ Harvey) I missed PJ Harvey in the 90s.
- Welcome to Jamrock (Damian "Jr. Gong" Marley) Probably gets the record for "longest time on Kirk's todo list", I saw a reference to it from my circa-2004 Palm Todo list archive and got it, finally.
- French Mistake (extended album version) (Hollywood Studio Symphony Orchestra) There's a secondary part to this that didn't make the Blazing Saddles movie...
In Praise of Mediocrity (like with hobbies) Two thoughts come to mind - Vonnegut's "A moderately gifted person who would have been a community treasure a thousand years ago has to give up, has to go into some other line of work, since modern communications put him or her into daily competition with nothing but the world's champions" and an old Demotivator:

It's good advice! Reminds me of how I'm trying to grow more comfortable but videogames on easy mode.
I like getting custom-made ones with art by Jame Harvey - the indie artist who has done work fo DC, as well as my own comic on mortality. Here they are:

And here's the latest (first one where I didn't technically commission the art, though I helped fund the Kickstarter...

Of course, lock screens can be pretty hip too... the new one on the right is a zoom in of a poster I ordered from him when he was doing freelance commissions:

I also made a wallet or two.
The cases were mostly ordered from zazzle. For what it's worth, two of those cases were wooden, which I wouldn't recommend if you need it to last more than a year.
But then there's another theory which says that words that represent things that are spatially nearer to the speaker usually have higher vowels (me versus you, here versus there, this versus that). This sounds pretty dumb until you learn that it actually holds water across different languages. For example, in French, "me" is je, "you" is tu, "this" is ce, and "that" is ca. In German ich/du, hier/da, dies/das.I think "how near is it?" and "what order are things happening?" are pretty central to my way of modeling the world - like I have trouble remembering what key is which on the keyring unless I map it left-to-right, entering the house order (car key, outer door, inner door).
I remember helping Ksenia build up her English, coming from Russian with fewer articles - "a spoon" (as in, any spoon) vs "the spoon" (a particular spoon) was pretty easy but "this spoon" (a particular spoon) vs "that spoon" (a particular spoon a little further away) was tougher.
And don't get me started with "adjective order", how we all somehow know it's the "giant angry red dragon" and not the "red giant angry dragon". I long to know if there's an underlying logic that established the order, or if it's just arbitrary.
Did you have a good world when you died? Enough to base a Wikipedia article on?
Makin' way for Justice Boof. Awesome we're going to have a known perjurer on the bench, for life.
So, Al Franken got knocked out of the senate, and this lying - perjuring, actually - shit bag is bound for the SCOTUS?
Also concerning for me is conservative women in general closing ranks and willing to take a "boys will be boys", lets all just move on stance for this shit, partially out of political expediency. Is there a gender version of the concept of "an Uncle Tom"?
And this FBI investigation was such a sham fig leaf. What a farce.

The Somebody Else’s Problem field is much simpler and more effective, and what’s more can be run for over a hundred years on a single torch battery. This is because it relies on people’s natural disposition not to see anything they don’t want to, weren’t expecting, or can’t explain. If Effrafax had painted the mountain pink and erected a cheap and simple Somebody Else’s Problem field on it, then people would have walked past the mountain, round it, even over it, and simply never have noticed that the thing was thereA while back I realized pretending something had an SEP field on it was a good way of coping with things as long as A. they weren't actually affecting me and B. weren't my fault - and even better if C. there wasn't much I could do about it anyway. (The B and C elements are what kept it morally on the up and up.)
But there's a lot of problems that don't meet those conditions - especially A. There's a cognitive psychology term "catastrophizing" - building an irrational series of cause and effect leading to a terrible negative conclusion. I think people do at least a watered-down variant of it subconsciously all the damn time - I know I do. Even when folks don't explicitly link up a chain of events that lead to a far-fetched negative consequence, they tend to act as if that chain was in effect, and the result is anxiety. The world is too complex to do all possible modeling of cause-and-effect, and so we use short hand of "I should be worried about this" to help us make good decisions and keep up good behaviors, but that can be very wearing.
Andy Warhol suggested one remedy:
Sometimes people let the same problem make them miserable for years when they could just say, "So what." That's one of my favorite things to say. "So what." "My mother didn't love me." So what. "My husband won't ball me." So what. "I'm a success but I'm still alone." So what. I don't know how I made it through all the years before I learned how to do that trick. It took a long time for me to learn it, but once you do, you never forget.The trouble is, in theory you could "So What" every-damn-thing, and I don't think the results of that would be good - apathy or a general sense of pointlessness could result.
So ideally, I would make a cognitive tool like a "Virtual So What Field" I could apply and activate at will - but with the feeling I had the existential authority to apply it judiciously, as I saw fit. Some things I want to care about and get emotionally vested in, other things I could get help saying "So What", and chop down that branching tree of possible consequences near the root.
The transformers holding back tears as they load a hearse into a slightly larger hearse

HONK portrait by Steve Jewett

PRONK portrait by Daniela G
Last year around this time I went to the Boston MFA with Melissa and Liz, and I told them the story about my dad's art collection, how even though he had no budget he knew how to juggle finances and became a small-time collector, especially lithographic prints. (I have a few vague memories of going with him to meet with dealers in upstate NY, rifling through those bins like they used to have in record stores.)
In the year of his death, well after he was incapacitated from illness, he invited representatives of the Cleveland Museum of Art to peruse his collection and see if there was anything they wanted to add to their permanent collection. They chose two pieces.
Of course as a 14 year old I didn't really get the level of honor that represented, how that kind of affirmation from such an institution meant to so much that it was worth making a gift, even a gift that was rarely going to be "on view"...
Last year was the first time I remembered that public institutions now post their collections online, so I could see what the prints in question were:
The first was "The Kerosene Lamp" by Wanda Gág (1929)

Such an intriguing kind of meltiness to it all... In 2014 The New Yorker wrote on some of the artist's children's books)
The other was Thomas Hart Benton Sorghum Mill (1969)

My dad was classic "champagne on a beer budget" where I tend to the reverse, a bit. I suppose you could speculate that the kid from small town Ohio felt he had something to prove in a way that I don't, though also he had an artistic sensitivity I lack - and a gourmet-ish attention to detail evident in, say, his baking with precise measures and his incredibly persnickety needlepoint work.
FWIW I'm kind of the polar opposite of that, preferring things that are superficially intriguing, to be generated and consumed in the most expedient method available - I've cultivated my way of skimming a book and quickly getting the jist into kind of a lifestyle. On the other hand, I suppose the programming I do has a similar need to attend to tiny details...sometimes I wish he was around so we could have done needlepoint / pixel art collaborations.
I should post this link : clevelandart.org/art/collections - Cleveland has a fine art museum (no pun intended) and the website made it trivial to find these.
I just now had a 2-and-2-together moment. I was thinking "Well, yeah, Cleveland Museum - I mean that's where we were living" - but also, that is probably the very museum in a story he'd tell of his own young boyhood - going on a school field trip, up from downstate Coshocton Ohio, and once there being kind of stunned by the art of undressed women... "teacher... teacher... you can see her, her THINGS". To go from the boy in that story to having works from his collection accepted there - that's a heckuva narrative arc.
A long time ago I scanned it all and put it on my website, but at a
relatively low resolution
(see here)
so I decided to scan it all again. I reused all the old filenames I used as caption back then - sometimes carrying information I would have forgotten in the mean while.
When I scanned it, I broke it into 9 sections. Starting with "The Young Years" - including shots of my folks before I was around.
Open Photo Gallery
My mom on a ski trip her freshman year of college, 1966

Graduation Picture of my dad, Coshocton, 1967

Dad at Salvation Army Cadet Picnic, Star Lake camp, 1972

in Philadelphia, around 2 months old

First Christmas in Cleveland, house on Torbenson Drive, 1974

First Christmas in Cleveland, house on Torbenson Drive, 1974

Cleveland, about 7 months old

With Shinola, about 4 months old, Cleveland

With mom, New Jersey 1974

with Papa Sam, New Jersey summer of 1974

Cleveland, kitchen floor, playing peek-a-boo, about 7 months

Cleveland 1975 with Alyce Joseph

Cleveland 1975

Outside Grandma house in Coshocton for Thanksgiving 10-27-74

in Cleveland with Sarah Kitty, about 4 months

Ocean Grove New Jersey 1974

1978 Christmas with Papa Sam in Waltham
grandma and granpa israel me scott april 9 1982

in Philadelphia, around 2 months old
1st prize at County Fair, in Salamanca NY (chair apholstery by dad) 1979

Salamanca Halloween as Robot

at St Pats School with Mrs Keenan, Christmas maybe 3rd Grade

Sanford Street School band, 3rd Grade

Sanford Street with Mrs Dorvee and Principal Andy Garuchio, Fifth Grade

Cleveland Christmas 1975, living room floor

Darren Archibald, screeching friend on St Thomas, 1976-77

St Thomas, 1976-77

St Thomas Lindberg Bay with friends

St Thomas, 1976-77

St Thomas 1-17-77

St Thomas, 1976-77

St Thomas Lindberg Bay 1-20-77

St. Thomas with dad, 1977
Cincinnati, Halloween 1977
Doing On the Good Ship Lollipop at Cincinnati ARC Christmas 1977

Santa at Cincinnati ARC Christmas 1977

Dad and Santa Cincinnati ARC Christmas 1977
Cincinnati Fountain Square, Spring 1978
Preschool Graduation Salamance 1979

Christmas at Grandmas

Christmas in Salamanca 1981 or so

St Thomas Lindberg Bay with Dad - taken early evening on a free public beach - a couple of minutes from our house - by the airport

Folger Shakespeare Library, Washington DC. mabye 1982 under Puck - Lord What Fools These Mortals Be statue

Waldon Pond , 1984ish

Shinola with lamp,Cleveland, around 1975

St Pats school
Harvest Festival-Thanksgiving Time, picture by visiting Bedios, 1978
Main Street, Waltham,40th Wedding Anniversary of Grandparents,August 1983
with Nate at birthday party, Glens Falls, 1983

St Pats Jan 1983

with Cousin Scott Bedio, Harvest Festival 1978

in water at Ocean Grove, New Jersey, 1978ish

with Dad at Salamanca area whirlygig maker folkartist

Christmas in Waltham 1977-- Papa Sam Llara me and Aunt Susan

Papa Sam,Me, Mom and Willy 1980ish
Dads Cadet Farewell from NEOSA, Camp Herrick, Sept. 1970
Nana Philadelphia, two weeks after my birth,
with Wittenburg kids, Stacy, Danielle, Adam, maybe Christmas 1978, Cleveland

Coshocton, Christmas, maybe 1978

Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia, maybe 1982

Salamanca l980

Salamanca farewell March 1982

Birthday, Glens Falls, probably 1984 -skating along with Jimmy Rose

Glens Falls chapel, Dad Me and Pam, 1984ish

as ronald reagen mrs hoffmans english class 1986
"masculinity is violence on the horizon"
Open Photo Gallery

monticello middle school science fair

folks at glens falls parade stop

sue kirk betty christmas 1985 waltham

don burrows glens falls

dad as wittenburg godfather

in coshocton tree grandmas backyard

christmas in euclid

with dad sick at euclid christas

with mickey

with todd beecher at sanford street

family in ocean grove new jersey july 1983

first sousaphone marching in glens falls

with dylan murray glens falls may 1986

dad with moose antlers falling leaves festival oct 1980

doing my play starpox


mrs beale and the monticello orchestra cleveland heights

cornell jordan in my euclid room

camp neosa eric dana and beau hill

camp neosa wiley tammy ford and eric dana

neosa water mafia critter on left

elaine smith and cornell jordan camp neosa

heidi e at dhq

neosa youth band before mexico

neosa youth band col payton and tammy mclaughlin

jeff amd jenn in mexico

brian and tammy mclaughlin capt carvill and joe mercer

jimmy hevsila and beau hill mexico 1989

youth band in mexico 1989

youth band in mexico 1989

tammy mclaughlin

youth band in mexico

plaza d angel mexico

cornell jordan

lesly in mexico

plaza d angel

wall at disney world spring 1989

susan with mickey shrub

french epcot spring 1989

with aunt susan at disney

young mike witczak at locker

with matthew and bruno

gooch in mdm pla class

mr sarich bandleader freshman year

with wendy wang freshman band awards slovenia workers home in cleveland

lynn gessler in mr jablonski room
Nerf Football Rah Rah Rah
The biggest and most frightening impact of the AI revolution might be on the relative efficiency of democracies and dictatorships. Historically, autocracies have faced crippling handicaps in regard to innovation and economic growth. In the late 20th century, democracies usually outperformed dictatorships, because they were far better at processing information. We tend to think about the conflict between democracy and dictatorship as a conflict between two different ethical systems, but it is actually a conflict between two different data-processing systems. Democracy distributes the power to process information and make decisions among many people and institutions, whereas dictatorship concentrates information and power in one place. Given 20th-century technology, it was inefficient to concentrate too much information and power in one place. Nobody had the ability to process all available information fast enough and make the right decisions. This is one reason the Soviet Union made far worse decisions than the United States, and why the Soviet economy lagged far behind the American economy.
However, artificial intelligence may soon swing the pendulum in the opposite direction. AI makes it possible to process enormous amounts of information centrally. In fact, it might make centralized systems far more efficient than diffuse systems, because machine learning works better when the machine has more information to analyze. If you disregard all privacy concerns and concentrate all the information relating to a billion people in one database, you'll wind up with much better algorithms than if you respect individual privacy and have in your database only partial information on a million people. An authoritarian government that orders all its citizens to have their DNA sequenced and to share their medical data with some central authority would gain an immense advantage in genetics and medical research over societies in which medical data are strictly private. The main handicap of authoritarian regimes in the 20th century--the desire to concentrate all information and power in one place--may become their decisive advantage in the 21st century.
Open Photo Gallery

with shannon ramsey at ehs winter fest 1990

222 street jazz

with scott at virginia plantation 1990

with dinosaur sir in euclid

bday beau hill mike witczak michelle voll randi babic me sir mike bill aube wendy wang

with toni yafanaro tuba section

with jenny wolchko homecoming 1990

with jenny wolchko lynn gessler and darryl lausche

announcing for 222 street jazz
steve workman bass marty witczak piano mark tomsic trumpet molly bari sax veronika schnell piano joey cesa drums

with jenny wolchko winterfest 1991

four muskateers wendys restaurant my birthday wendys baptism

veronika with solvy and michelle bisziuskas

ford museum marching bnd trip to detroit 1990

samsa in mirror lausche and witczak waiting for the dance in detroit

lynn gessler darryl lausche maria damico mike witczak jenny wolchko kirk israel

jenny wolchko ellen mansperger in detroit

jason samsa mike maria darryl lynn

17th birthday beau wendy maria me mike jenny

with woodchuck and play doh

as big jule in guys and dolls

as big jule with april luvererst guys and dolls 1991

with steve workman mike and marty witczak at boston science museum 1991

boston science museum t rex

mike and t rex 1991 jazz band in boston

veronika in salem ma mar 91

boston science museum

cambridge ho jo mike tony hren marty witczak joey cesa

with ellen mike and veronika at plymouth rock

myflower ii

veronika in thingie shirt at cambridge hojos

veronika and mike at hojos

tired ellen and veronika at boston science

everonika mike and ellen at bus

in tux in tree

in tux in tree

at gubitosi living room with veronika before prom

with veronika before prom by goobs rose bushes

preprom with veronika outside mr johnsons car

with mike by ehs bandroom christmas 1990

with veronika before prom by roses

mrs mclaughlin at prom toasting camera

preprom roses again
Open Photo Gallery

keith scheurman mike witczak outside atlanta 1991

outside world of coca cola marching band to atlanta
king of stone mountain (parking lot)

stone mountain 1

stone mountain 2

stone mountain 3

stone mountain 4

atlanta underground courtyard

zoo atlanta rhino

japanese businessmen atop stone mountain

marching band with eric clean marine carlson

with mr alspaugh band leader

atlant christmas parade teddy bear

with holly struna homecoming 1991

publicity shot


christmas play with patti elaine judy hill and jamie

marching band beau hill

222 street jazz in concert

marcos andrade in euclid living room

being knighted by marcos

being knighted by marcos ouch

marcos as cyrano

with nicole at ehs winterfest

marnies great green purple dress at wintefest 1992

as a bookwork

as rudolph the headwaiter in guys and dolls in bandroom

marnie as townfolk in bandroom

maria d'amico on right

in sunday best with marnie

jenn melnyk and ben shuskey

as bandmember with marcos

me as rudolph

hello dali

hello dolly put on your sunday clothes

hello dolly waiters gallop group

lynn gessler hello dolly

18th bday mike lin lynn beau marnie me jamie heidi marcos eric

in bus jazzband to florida 1992

in bus jazzband to florida 1992

rest stop during trip to florida

debbie long at rest stop during trip to florida

international movie posters at universal in florida

ellen and mike at disney

universal studios gate

mike and ellen at disney world waterfall

with woodchuck by epcot golf ball

the boys at disney

greg and mike in hotel room

glen russ lane snow scene

marcos snuggles kirk award winner

bandroom flipped

after last day of school marcos jenn melnyk me and mike

lisa moster end of school

colleen and friend
Open Photo Gallery

marnie adjusts corsage before prom with stu and wendy

marnie shows some leg

marcos emily mike lynn me marnie stu wendy in salupo's backyard

bill aube and lisa moster prom 1992

reggie and ernalisa

wandy and jenn prom 1992

marnie before prom

marnie before prom

marnie before prom

with marnie before prom

mike and lynn before prom

wendy and stu

preprom group

preprom group

preprom group

preprom group

preprom limo

my butt going into limo

thumb marcos emily

wendy marnie lynn

keith sheurman and date

jeff kaleal and date

jeff saheeb kropf and date

grads in front of ehs me wendy lynn jenn debbi galosis another

guys graduatiing

with mom and marcos before graduation

award ceremony stage

awards billboard with marcos

von banken

mz bambic

von daughter and thumb

mrs mclaughlin with wandy and jenn

with marnie ready to graduate with honors

with colleen i think graduating

with honr jenn graduating

room in euclid

room in euclid

with tiny marnie

marnie with flower

with marnie at prom bridge
Wins at Fenway and Foxboro - nothing to be overconfident about at either but still, it's good to win when you gotta win. Interestingly the 43-40 score was a Scorigami, a score never previously achieved at the end of an NFL game. (I guess there's more opportunities with high scores.)
On my devblog: the stupid-idea-buddies buddy.
Open Photo Gallery

vilar formoso portugal august 1992

faz falta cafe

portugal honda and castle

with marcos and baptista train station at night

faz falta with fractions of seconds group

inside faz falta

rehearing fractions of seconds

marcos andrade

view off of roman bridge

roman bridge with manny, alex, marcos

local bullfight

leaping on the bull

bull shoving rake

view from train

view from train

eiffel bridge

eiffel bridge

uptown band poster

faz falta mural

gang at faz falta

faz falta game boy


fractions of seconds crew

roman bridge

getting ready for fractions of seconds

alex in fractions of seconds

waiter and fractions of seconds

fractions of seconds and a can

fractions of seconds and a can

drunk in vilar formoso train station

gathering foliage on the rocky terrain

historical town

king giving town right to exist statue

old construction

local bullring

local bull

bull jousting

bull from under stands

little doggie in the ring

bull chasing guy

milling around waiting for bull

the bull enters

bull in truck

broken glass

thumb and sandals
Random notes on reading and vanity:
1. I recently shelled out the $20 to get my old and scratched but great touchscreen Kindle off of ads, so the lock screen is an attractive grayscale image instead. Worth it I think.
2. It's funny that besides column width, my other reason for not using my phone as a reader is so that it's more obvious to onlookers that I'm engaged in reading and not browsing or gaming. This may be one of the most shallow things about me. (On the other hand, I always think it's good when the cover matches the book. So to speak.)
3. Come to think of it, I've switched from iPad Mini to this old Kindle full time. Maybe partially in existential protest to Apple leaving the Mini behind- I'd buy a new model that supported the Pencil in a second. But also, despite the lack of backlighting and color-coded highlighting, e-ink readers are such a chill technology.
4. Since 2000 I've been recording books read, movies watched, games played through, tv-series consumed. It's nearly impossible for me not to gamify this for myself- like I know I'm driven to complete mediocre books just for the little mark. At the end of the year I post a list with comments and recommendations. I'm not really trying to impress anyone with the numbers, just compete with my past self. Maybe I should consider posting the list without counting...
Arun and his pup Bolt

Open Photo Gallery

someone rob tracy and bob

rob kogan in freshman lewis hall

in lewis dormroom

dylan murray

nyc skyline from ellis island ferry jan 1993

in front of statue of liberty

veronika with fao teddy bear

veronika and thomas fall 1992

with veronika at harvard square

rebekah haas in cohen basement

rebekah in arts office

with marnie in salupo florida room

marnie in witczaks room summer 1993

reunion lynn darshi mike marnie alex wendy me

marine in my coat spring 1993

house on a truck near tufts

on rollerblades with beau hill spring 1993

with lena mindlina in hodgdon mental ward

lena on the tuba

lena jan 1995

donna-lane robbert uncle bill mom aunt suzie lena my 21st birthday 1995

with Lena and 21 gifts

manhattan building

with jen monty and mike by nyc skyline

mike looking at nyc skyline

in front of statue of liberty

cruiseship in new york harbor

ellis island stonework

ellis island courtyard

jen monty in shadow on ellis island

with tuba in pep band fall 1995

with mom around pep band

miss liberty

tufts wind ensemble at disneyworld jan 1994

at universal studios

on a disney rollercoaster

mary katrina shane me halloween 1995

halloween 1995 at bunker hill memorial

john mccain and tufts pep band

tufts cheerleaders

wind ensemble at quincy market

christmas 1994 rockefeller center

with mom christmas 1994 rockefeller center

mom christmas 1994 rockefeller center

with.grandma my birthday coshocton 1995
Funny how the aging milestone might shifting from transition lens / bifocals to "cranking up the font size on my phone"
Open Photo Gallery

outside british museum august 1995

math bridge at cambridge

british museum

with mom in scotlland

mom susan and uncle billy goats gruff

edinburgh cats

in edinburgh

uncle bill and aunt susan at edinburgh from above

family in uk

wales crazy port name

at stonehenge

scottish gargoyles

scottish gargoyles

scottish gargoyles

church gargoyles

cat art in edinburgh


cieda ocean grove nov 1995

by cieda ocean grove nov 1995

ocean grove pier and shore

boardwalk carousel house

old ferris wheel place near boardwalk

with jumbo ii

on wigglesworth

jen mono girl monty on bridge by fenway

family reunion at the simlers summer 1995

sunset over simlers family reunion 1995

anthony tony colindres

mom getting snes for christmas

aunt susan and her christmas loot from elisabeth

veronika and shadows on beach

veronika on jersey shore

veronika on rocky shore

with veronika at times square news year eve 1995-1996

rollover to 1996

other couple at times square 1995-1996

selfportrait in mirror at empire state building

blizzard of 1996 streetscene

veronika in living room of moms apartment

odd self portrait with veronika

veronika by wall near guggenheim
If you make things long enough, you will fail. That's important enough that I'm going to say it again, with emphasis. If you make things long enough, you will fail. The same thing that put you in the elevated place of being a creative artist in the first place will curdle or invert or fall on its face or on your face and you will be a person who made something that they should not have made. [...] David Bowie said something I really liked. I don't know if he said it often, but it's the kind of thing that you should get tattooed on your leg. He said that creativity is "one of the few human endeavors where you can crash your airplane and walk away from it."I think it's a good example of being aware of catastrophizing - an individual effort fails, it's so easy to see that as an array of dominos to other creative efforts, to our self-worth, maybe even our ability to make a living and thus ensure our own physical security. But those situations, those kinds of slippery slopes, aren't that common, and usually we can find some place to get traction - that is if the initial failure is even that big to begin with. Which it usually isn't - that's where the ability to cast a "So What" field comes in handy. This effort failed. So what? So I feel like I'm less good of a creator. So what?
Another quote from the book that I liked the sound of:
There was no such thing as distraction. There was only traction.
Open Photo Gallery

ship in drydock in bermuda

bermuda architecture

bermuda.blue water 1996

band buddies on the beach

in the chilly ocean

band climbing up to lighthouse

view from bermuda lighthouse

with juj on top of lighthouse

show and cars off of lighthouse

band reflected in bermuda

band posing in chapel

band walking to school on hill

before we learned the macarana at the fort

lisa sanchez with a flower in her hair

harbor view from hotel

before ballroom dancing at the princess hotel scott mary me lisa eric cindy

scott and lisa in hotel room

on tourboat

dan and cindy at center of first lemming event

rebekah on bus before gala

with rebekah on bus before gala

in tux at gala

rebekah at gala

with rebekah at gala

rebekah and erica

rebekah and erica

todd and erica

rebekah by railing at gala

back of rebekah at railing

tufts packed senior gala 1996

rob kogan at gala

gal with fork dress scott korvek

emily and eve

mo and marieke at gala

outside of metcalf the day after gala

in bridge metcalf with rebekah

rebekah on metcalf stoop day after gala

rebekah scream

with jen tsang before dance

with aunt ruth and grandma at commencement

happy to graduate

family reunion young cousins

rebekah with puppy at rockport

climbing rocks in rhode island

fourth of july 1996 with the lemmings

with jen at fourth

jen in her hat

lemmings hide out from rain on fourth
"It's special in every aspect. Not only as a manager, but as an individual. Just to manage this team. Everybody knows the history of the city, and history has positive sides and negative sides. And for me, as a minority, to be a manager in Boston hasn't been a challenge. ... And to be able to led this team, it's amazing. It's a great group, very talented, very humble, very hungry."Also, what a fine last name he has.
seriously what is that??

A purpose of human life, no matter who is controlling it, is to love whoever is around to be loved.
it is our light not our darkness that most frightens us(this passage is sometimes falsely attributed to Nelson Mandela)
Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.
Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.
Personally it feels more like the deepest fear - or at least the one that drives procrastination and lack of ambition of all types - is that we'll put in a really good effort and not get the results we wanted, that the world will prove as daunting as we feared. When you've failed to put in a good effort, at least there's that fig leaf of you not trying - maybe there's still that untapped potential in you, maybe you still have untapped settings up the dial.
(I have my todo list clogged with all these not particularly hard or sometimes even necessary tasks, but what if I clear all those out and life still isn't just grand?)
I guess the remedy is there is like Eric Barker said:
"Are you afraid of the task? Why? Does it have a knife pointed at you? No. You're afraid you'll do a lousy job. Well, you're gonna do an even worse job if you don't get started."
Also it reminds me of that Vonnegut quote: "Plato says that the unexamined life is not worth living. But what if the examined life turns out to be a clunker as well?" (Not sure what the procrastination version of "unexamined" is - "unprocrastinated"?)
[The Planet named] Blessed would not have been on my route other than for business reasons. Interstellar trade is economics stripped to basics. You can't make money by making money because money isn't money other than on its planet of issue. Most money is fiat; a ship's cargo of the stuff is wastepaper elsewhere. Bank credit is worth even less; Galactic distances are too great. Even money that jingles must be thought of as trade goods -- not money -- or you'll kid yourself into starvation.The narrator Lazarus Long is an extremely long-lived interstellar merchant, with libertarian leanings and capabilities that almost put him in an Ayn-Randian mode, but I've appreciated his resigned acceptance of the "The Squeeze" as the cost of doing business- something I read long ago that stuck with me.
This gives the sky merchant a grasp of economics rarely achieved by bankers or professors. He is engaged in barter and no nonsense. He pays taxes he can't evade and doesn't care whether they are called "excise" or "king's pence" or "squeeze" or straight-out bribes. It is the other kid's bat and ball and backyard, so you play by his rules -- nothing to get in a sweat about. Respect for laws is a pragmatic matter. Women know this instinctively; that's why they are all smugglers. Men often believe -- or pretend -- that the "Law" is something sacred, or at least a science -- an unfounded assumption very convenient to governments.
I've done little smuggling; it's risky, and you can wind up with money you don't dare spend where it's legal tender. I simply tried to avoid places where the squeeze was too high.

...and that I added the date when I drew it (The flick in question is "Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex* (*But Were Afraid to Ask)")
Trump: "You know they have a word. It sort of became old fashioned. It's called 'a nationalist'. And I say 'really, we're not supposed to use that word? You know what I am? I'm a nationalist, OK?"
Yeah the word became "old fashioned" when we beat the "National Socialists" aka Nazis, you dog-whistling ass. If you were actually a patriot you'd be ok just calling yourself an American.
"font-family: sans-serif;" is the "house red" of web design.

The Dodgers would like to demonstrate that they are fans of dance as well..

I write a little bit more about it and "recreational computing" on my devblog.
Goodness gracious, optical illusions have gotten out of control! -- all of those on the page are astounding.
Aesop's Fables #238 - The Fly:
A fly had fallen into an earthen pot [chytros] full of boiled meat. On the verge of drowning in the broth [zōmos], she said to herself:Like Mother Goose stuff, "Real" Aesop's Fables are more grim than the versions we make for kids....
'I've eaten, I've drunk, I've had a bath. Death can come. It doesn't matter to me.'
This fable shows that people easily surrender to death when it comes without any suffering.
I thought this Quora answer on "what happened to Venezuela" was interesting, with take aways for all political sides...
Since it's the Halloween season, I'll give you a treat. Put your hand to your chest. Feel your heartbeat? That's your ghost chipping away at its cell.
Attention: Fresca's Black Cherry Citrus is a lot like OK Soda was, back in the 90s. (I noticed that, and then was incredibly validated by the Google first hit preview saying "OK Soda had a more "citric" taste than traditional colas, almost like a fruit punch version of Coke's Fresca. ")

PS OK Soda was a very odd creature of marketing.
On FB, I asked folks "how do you feel about your name? Do you know what your folks were thinking when they gave the first part of it to you? What about your family name?"
I enjoyed reading the stories some of my friends shared, but here's what I wrote about mine:
I dig my name, first name especially - "Kirk". My dad (James/Jim) liked the idea of a name that couldn't really be shorted, though I'm not sure how much he disliked "Jim". My name is dripping with religion, Kirk is "Church", Logan is after a theologian, Israel is like the country. Which tends to lead to erasure of my evangelical preacher's kid upbringing w/ people assuming I'm Jewish, but hey, I'm not THAT not-Jewish. (Also most Americans will spell Israel "Isreal" like they hear it pronounced.)But I dig the strength of the K-sounds.
(Of course if I was born one day after my actual birthday of March 31 my dad assured me my name would be "Foolsbert" - Foolella if I was a gal. (Also, Iove how weird my birthday is - 31st is the least common of all month day numbers))
Once, undergoing adolescent angst, I used yet another move (Upstate NY to Cleveland) to go by "Logan" as first name for a while...odd situation when I switched back when I changed school districts but kept attending the same church. A letter was being read about my enrollment (akin to confirmation) that called me Kirk, but he knew me as Logan, and then-Captain-Schenk said "aww just call him Butch" and with a little work on my part it sort of stuck. My full church nickname was "Kirk Logan Brother Butch Israel Brother".
FUN FACT: my mom had to convince her friends I wasn't being named after the captain from her fav sci-fi tv show. She had to convince her REALLY close friends I wasn't being named after a similarly named character in some "Bonanza" fanfic she and her friends would write
I love how David Price's hat jumps as he moves his eyebrows or whatever, like when you're trying to wiggle your ears but you're not really good at it... Also his pre-pitch "take a deep breath" routine is so human and recognizable.
Mookie Betts breaks his series drought and helps the Red Sox win the World Series and gets a hat for his hat:
What an era to be a fair-weather fan in Boston :-D What's this, 11 championships (Celtics, Bruins, 5 for Pats, now 4 for Red Sox) since 2002?
Also: in Alex Cora We Trust, Huh? He has done some seemingly inexplicable moves that in hindsight are pure brilliance. Between that and hearing how, despite a top of the list payroll, so much of the Red Sox team is young and home grown - and seeing how those "supporting" players stepped up Saturday night, and in general how the team played on defense as well... it's a great team to like!
Oh and that jerk Machado getting the last strike out... ahhh

--Shot at yesterday's rally for Transgender rights - If you live in MA Vote Yes on 3, please. If you know + like or love a TG person, or you don't but you're willing to believe the world is more complex than you mighta guessed, it's the humane thing to do.
Ugh, Brazil.
on them red sox
Being an adult means not having your bed pushed up against a corner. That is literally the only criteria
"Do you know about the Myth of Sisyphus?"It reminds me a bit of the poem Dialog of Soul and Stone - also of my paraphrase of a line from the Dilbert animated series, "Sisyphus has a sense of playfulness [...] you have to look at it from the rock's point of view." which is kind of a different assumption about what rocks might enjoy....
"Yeah, that's a funny one to me because Sisyphus is cursed to roll this boulder up the hill for eternity, but really the boulder would eventually erode. I mean a hundred thousand years or so, it would be like a little pebble, like, just like stick it out, Sisyphus, you'll be done in no time, you know? "
"Eventually it's just going to be sand."
"Yeah, exactly. And in addition, the hill will also erode. And so, you know, Sisyphus after some time would have a flat plane instead of a hill and maybe like a marble instead of a boulder."
"Yeah, so, yeah, he's cursed for eternity, but really it's he just needs to get through, I dunno, 50,000 years or something."
"Yeah, he should really stick to it, and then that'll show the gods."
"It's funny to think about a man serving out his eternal curse, and what it is, is very easily pushing a marble along the ground."
"Yeah. And then maybe stop conscripting innocent boulders into your curses, HUMANS."
For those of us of a certain age, a BASIC prompt was what you’d expect to see when you turned any computer on.This article is the best I've read on the subject (marred slightly by the amount of ads on the page) In particular, I hadn't realized how important it was as computers moved from the batch process punchcard era to the expectations of real-time interaction we enjoy today - and of getting students to realize that programming was something that mere mortals could do.
That was in the 60s - in the 80s, BASIC was the bedrock of home computers - and most kids were given a chisel and some other basic tools so that if they were motivated, they could get the computer to do whatever they wanted.
The article briefly touches on BASIC's detractors. But as my friend Jeremy Penner (founder of everyone-can-and-should-make-games celebration site Glorious Trainwrecks ) mentioned to me, line numbers, while limiting in many ways, are a super intuitive way to get a kid making that first step of "computer programs tend to go step by tedious step". I think Dijkstra infamous complaint "It is practically impossible to teach good programming to students that have had a prior exposure to BASIC" is way out of line; understanding simple step by step flow does not preclude later learning of modularity and other more sophisticated topics.
As Harry McCracken writes:
BASIC was so approachable that you could toss off little improvisational programs with barely any effort at all. I probably wrote hundreds of them in my high school’s computer lab—games, utilities, practical jokes to play on my classmates. Most were meant to be disposable, and unless any of them show up on forgotten floppy disks at my parents’ house, almost all of them are long gone.That hit home for me. In the 2000s, that's sometimes my style for stuff in Processing and P5.js (though I'm a bit of self-absorbed nerd so I archive "the good stuff" at toys.alienbill.com.) Other people I know, like Anna Anthropy write books about writing your own games in Twine, Puzzlescript, and Scratch.
But it's still a long way from the "booting into BASIC" days - Mac/Windows/Phone environments are great program launchers, but don't have that ramp into "you type things and computer stuff happens!" Also, the gap between "real" programs and what an amateur can write is MUCH bigger than it was in 1980s - especially for games. "Casual" games are a welcome exception to that, but a beginner programmer usually isn't using a toolset for 3D stuff.
(An upcoming thing I'll be keeping an eye on is Dreams for PS4 - "a space where you go to play and experience the dreams of Media Molecule and our community. It’s also a space in which to create your own dreams, whether they’re games, art, films, music or anything in-between and beyond." That's the same folks who made LittleBigPlanet which had a pretty rich online maker community too, so it'll be neat to see what comes of it.)
A sign you're becoming an adult is when you watch a movie and you stop seeing yourself as the protagonist and start seeing yourself as one of the minor characters.
Thinking how FB offers "plausible deniability" when some issue seems too complex or fraught to provide a compassionate response. Like, maybe the algorithms didn't choose to show it to me, that's why I made no comment.
Open Photo Gallery
Marching with City Life / Vida Urbana to protest ghoulish landlord shenanigans--

Soldiers in reanimated skeleton armies would probably have to use sign language.
A few weeks ago at the Maker's Fair at the Boston Children's Museum: